"Rosita!" Gunter whispers in concern, lowering himself to a squat at her side. "You've got to jump!" he softly urges, setting a hand on her shoulder.

Rosita doesn't seem to hear him, her knuckles turning white around the side of the ship as she shakes her head frantically.


"Oh, honey..." Norman softly sighs, hugging Gail to her side as she buries her face into his chest.

Hannah bites her nails nervously, Casper and Mickey exchanging a worried expression. Rory watches with a hardened, neutral look on her face, her feet kicking lightly.


"You got this, Rosita!" (Y/N) encourages under her breath, her fingers crossed as she watches with a hopeful smile.

She moves away from Johnny to see Rosita better, Buster's eyes darting to her for a moment before he gasps, his face paling.

"(Y/N), move!"

Buster lunges off his chair, staggering and tripping over himself as he runs towards her. (Y/N) jumps at this with confusion, yelping in alarm when the back of her neck was roughly grabbed. Jimmy shoves Buster down as he drags (Y/N) along with him, the others clamor and exclaim as she was dragged towards the platform lift as she grabs at Jimmy's hand while attempting to free herself.

"Let her go!" Johnny shouts frantically as he dashes after her, the others quickly following.

"Daddy, stop it!" Porsha yells, her and the others running after Johnny.

"Miss (Y/N)!" Miss Crawly calls fearfully, trying to keep up with the others.

"(Y/N)!" Merlin shouts as he runs ahead of the others, making it to the lift with Johnny as Jimmy slams the button on the panel.

Johnny jumps after the lift as it rises, his hand barely missing the railing. He grunts as he falls back, Merlin stabling him to his feet as Johnny watches the lift with wide-eyed, terrified expression.

"No!!" Buster screams in horror, his hand outstretched towards the lift as his breathing picks up.

Suki rushes over as well, her hand coming up to her mouth as she watches the lift rise.


(Y/N) winces and claws at Jimmy's arm as he holds her back by her throat, her back pressing against the lift railing as it continues to rise higher and higher.

"Well, I've got one of you now, you low life little loser!" Jimmy hisses through his teeth, smiling crazily with his hair in disarray.

(Y/N) grimaces as he shoves her back against the railing, scowling as her hand grips at his wrist tightly.

"No," (Y/N) firmly speaks, wincing a bit when his fingers tighten around her throat. "We are not losers, and you know that. You're afraid of us. Aren't you?"

He scoffs at this with a head shake, (Y/N)'s voice not wavering as she continues, her fingernails digging into his skin.

"You're scared that smaller towners like me and my brother will rise up and outshine you!"

Jimmy's eyes dart from hers as his jaw clenches, his fingers loosening briefly. "There's no way losers like you and your brother would ever rise up in the big leagues. You have nothing, you're worth nothing!"

(Y/N) manages to shove him away from her, scowling fiercely up at him as she jabs her finger against his chest. "You might have the fame and the fortune, but we have something you don't. We have a passion for our shows. Our hearts and soul go into every single show we write, while you sit up on your pedestal and let others write your shows for you while you slap your name on it!"

Sing Your HarmonyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora