"Hey Geto what do 5 year olds usually do?"

"Hm well there's an carnival going on how about that" he says and I nod

"Why do you ask? Are you with Gojo" he asks and I laugh

"Nah I'm actually babysitting"


"Uhhh my friend?

"Your friend five years old?"

"Well it's complicated" I say

"Fine you can explain it to me when I get there" he says


"I'll meet you at the carnival" he says and I nod even Though he can't see

"Alright see you" I say and he hangs up

"So your bringing your boyfriend. I don't wanna third wheel so no pda" Megumi says and if I had water in my mouth I would had spit it out in shock

"Uh no he's not my boyfriend just boyfriend material" I say in a matter of fact tone

"Same difference" Megumi says and we head for the carnival
We were silent for most of the walk with occasional small talk

I see Geto wave

And I wave back holding Megumi hand and walking to him

"Hey it's good to see you again Y/n it feels like forever" Geto says hugging me. I feel embarrassed but not in a 'im embarrassed' way but in a im probably cheesing so hard right now way

It doesn't help that he gives the best hugs and his cologne is a sweet dusky smell, that smells amazing. I could stay in his embrace forever

"It hasn't been that long" I say recalling a select few times  I saw him

"Those were extremely brief though and only for missions" he says but he pats my shoulder

"But it's ok. Anyways who's the kiddo who's your friend? You said" he says and I glare

"This is Fushiguro Megumi" I say and he nods his head not looking up from his phone

"Nice to meet you Megumi" Geto says

"Well we should head in" he says and I nod leading Megumi inside who doesn't unlock his hand from mine
We buy our tickets and head inside

"So what do you wanna do first Megumi" I ask and he thinks for a second

"Hm food" he says pointing to a Takoyaki stand and Geto snickers and I glare at him

"Your not funny" I say and he shrugs with a amused smile that I can't get enough of

We walk over the stand and Oder some

"Wow this is super good" I say and Megumi agrees

"Maybe we should had rode some rides first before eating" I say and Megumi shrugs
We went on a few rides but mostly ate food and luckily no one threw up

"Alright it's getting late so how about we go on two more rides" I say to Megumi and he nods

"The bumper cars and then the Farris wheel"he says and I nod as we head for the bumper cars

We pay for Megumi and we just stand to the side since both of us didn't feel like going on the bumper cars

"Today was fun and Megumi seemed to have fun too" Geto says and I nod

"I'm just glad he had fun he seems like a secluded kid I hope he's ok" I say and Geto nods

"Your a really sweet person Y/n" he says

"Thank Geto" I say

All of a sudden I feel his warm hand in mine

I try not to cheese hard because when do you get the chance to hold a super hot and super sweet guy hand
We go to our last stop the Ferris wheel

"Megumi slow down!" I say trying not to bump into people

"Why are you running all of a sudden?!" I yell

"Sorry it's for your own good" he says rushing onto a Ferris wheel seat with some kid

"Megumi!" I yell in shock

"Don't worry you'll thank me later"he says with a genuine big smile

"Jeez why is he all of a sudden becoming a trouble maker. Well let's get on I don't want him on this thing alone" I say paying for me and Geto
"Alright I'll be starting the Ferris wheel now" the lady says and we start moving

Me and Geto sit next to each other in silence

"So" he says

"Did you have fun" he asks with a smirk

"Absolutely honestly just getting a break from constant missions is fun" I say

"I don't know how you guys do it" I say and he laughs

"Meet too" he says looking my eyes

Our hands drift to each others and they meet perfectly intertwining each other like we're each other's missing puzzle piece

We stare in each other eyes and I touch his face

I kiss his cheek softly but sensually which sends butterflies soaring in my stomach but I try to ignore them

When I finally part from his cheek he has a soft smile his face our hands never daring to unlock

"Next time" he starts grabbing one of my hands

"It won't just be on the cheek" he says taking my hand and kissing it

"We'll see about that Mr.Romantic" I say snickering
"Ok, Megumi did you have fun?" I ask and he nods with a smile

"I'm super happy you did. Now here this is my phone number call me if anything happens or if you need anything I'll be there in a heartbeat" I say hugging the younger boy and he hugs back maybe even tighter

A car pulls up and I talk to the man driving him to make sure it's safe and once he leaves I look back behind me ready to go to sleep

"Let's go" Geto says with a smile and I nod back returning said smile
I could had wrote so much more but I lokey didn't feel like it so sorry for that🙇‍♀️

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