Not so Happy Jimmy

Start from the beginning

"Take. That! You... nasty. Alien. Monster," Porsha speaks in a monotone, her face lighting up as she turns to Buster. "Did I do good?!"

Buster, Gunter, and Ash stare at her with wide eyes, mouths dropped open in disbelief.

"... Yeah!" Buster quickly recovers, voice squeaking as he smiles nervously. "That was... so good!"

"Yay!" Porsha happily bounces, looking down the hole at Rosita with a grin. "Did you hear that?! He thinks I'm awesome!"

Rosita groans and rolls her eyes as Porsha turns away, laying down on the mat in defeat.

"Okay. She cannot act," Ash states, scowling and shaking her head as she gestures towards the oblivious Porsha.

"Shh! I know! I know," Buster quickly replies, his voice quiet as he bites at his fingernail. "B--But I gotta keep Mr. Crystal happy."

"Take. That! You... nasty. Alien. Monster!" Porsha repeats in the same monotone, hitting her staff against a nearby box and giggling.

"Excuse me," Suki stares at Porsha for a moment, shaking her head and glancing back to Buster. "But Mr. Crystal wants to see you."

"Oh," Buster nervously clears his throat, glancing down at his watch as Porsha repeats the same line poorly. "Well-- I can come by this afternoon?"

"He means now," Suki emphasizes, appearing anxious as her eyes dart side to side. "Right now."

Buster pales at her tone, Suki turning and walking away as she hugs her tablet to her front.

"O...kay," he breathes out, Ash looking to him with concern as he slowly follows after Suki.



Suki opens the golden door for Buster, stepping to the side with her eyes fixated on the floor as he enters.

"You... wanted to see me, sir?" Buster questions in a forced cheery voice, looking around the luxurious room in awe for a moment.

"Yes, I did, yes, I did! Come on in," Jimmy replies in a warm tone, his back to Buster as he overlooks the city through the large wall of glass.

He looks down at his phone, thumb swiping away at it as he sips on a cup of expresso with a light hearted expression.

"This place is incredible," Buster compliments, Suki swiftly exiting and closing the door behind her.

Jimmy chuckles, setting his phone down on the large desk in front of him. "Pretty great, huh? So. How's it going with Calloway?"

Buster takes the seat in front of the desk when Jimmy gestures to it, his hands clenching on the sides of the fancy chair.

"Calloway? It's, uh..." he trails off, clearing his throat as he looks down. "It's good! Yeah, very good."

"Right, right. Well, let me ask you something," Jimmy sits down in front of Buster, leaning back with a casual expression as he smiles. "What did I do to make you disrespect me, huh?"

Buster's face falls. "What?"

"Oh, what?" Jimmy chuckles, resting his hands over his stomach. "You think I'm an idiot? Some kind of bozo?"

"No!" Buster shakes his head with furrowed brows, not noticing two security guards stepping out from behind pillars a few feet behind him. "No, sir. Not at all."

"My team..." Jimmy starts, snapping to the guards.

They walk over, standing on either side of Buster as he looks up at them anxiously.

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