Getting the Gang Together

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Third Person P.O.V

Buster walks home, unable to fish his bicycle out of the lake. Water drips off his suit, his shoes squishing with each step along the side walk. People were exiting the theater, the show over as the sun begins to set.


He looks up at the theater, spotting (Y/N) waiting for him in front of it in her usual (outfit) and Johnny waiting with her.

When are you gonna come down?

"Buster?" she calls with concern, Johnny's face falling.

When are you going to land?

Buster's shoulders slump as he looks down to avoid her gaze, walking past her and Johnny and into the theater.

I should have stayed on the farm, I should've listened to my old man...

Johnny and (Y/N) glance to one another with concern, (Y/N) managing a small smile as she leans up and presses a kiss to his cheek. He smiles warmly and leans his forehead against hers for a moment, nodding towards the theater before turning and walking down the sidewalk to head home to their apartment nearby.

(Y/N) smiles as she watches him, her smile dropping as she turns to the theater.

You know you can't hold me forever... I didn't sign up with you

Buster enters the bathroom, sighing and running his hands through his wet hair as he stares at his disheartened expression in the mirror. He grabs a paper towel, aggressively rubbing it against his hair to dry it off.


Buster exits the bathroom, his hair disarrayed but dried.

I'm not a present for your friends to open, the boy's too young to be singing...

Some people were still chatting in the lobby about the show, others heading towards the exit and walking past Buster.

The blues... ah, ah-ah, ah...

(Y/N) moves past people exiting as she follows after Buster through the theater, Nana entering the lobby and searching around for Buster or (Y/N).

"Mr. Moon? Ms. (Y/N)?" she calls, glancing around with a frown.


So goodbye, yellow brick road...

Nana checks backstage, no one in sight.


She checks the costume closet, moving aside costumes to search for them.

Where the dogs of society howl


You can't plant me in your penthouse

Nana walks up the stairs to the office, perking up when she spots (Y/N) inside Buster's office through the glass.

I'm going back to my plow! Back to the howling old owl in the woods, hunting the horny-back toad--

"Okay, that's enough of this, Buster!" (Y/N) reaches over, slapping her hand on the radio and halting the song.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Is he here?" Nana questions quietly, making me turn and nod with an exasperated sigh.

I silently point down, Nana's brow raising curiously as she moves around the desk. Nana frowns as she moves the swivel chair, rolling her eyes at the sight.

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