Stand by Me

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Rachel was curled up on the sofa, having had a difficult day at work. The tears were streaming down her face as she stared blankly at the TV.

Eddie walked into the living room, a mug of tea in his hand for Rachel. He placed it on the coffee table, sitting down beside her carefully, placing his hand on her arm. He hated seeing her like this, he hated seeing her so hurt and troubled. She loved her job, he knew she did. He'd never met someone so dedicated and passionate. That's why when something happened to a student, she took it hard and reacted like this. She cared so much. All he wanted was to hold her in his arms and never let go of her.

He turned off the TV, pulling Rachel up into a sitting position. She relented, trying to squirm out of his grasp. She didn't want to get up, if anything, she wanted to sink into the sofa and let it swallow her whole. Eddie continued to gently pull her up.

"Eddie, please" she whispered

"Just trust me, ok?" Eddie pleaded

She gave in, too tired to argue.

Eddie got Rachel to her feet, pulling her into the centre of the room. He wrapped her arms around his neck as he placed a hand on her waist softly. With his free hand, he switched on the radio, the song 'Stand by Me' filling the room.

Slowly, Eddie started to sway from side to side with Rachel in his arms. Rachel sighed, desperately wanting to pull away. But her body almost immediately relaxed into the movement, her head resting on Eddie's shoulder.

When the night has come,
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No I won't, be afraid
No I won't, be afraid
Just as long, as you stand, stand by me

Eddie kissed her forehead softly as they continued to sway. Rachel had completely relaxed into him, the peacefulness of the moment washing over her. Her heart slowed down to a gentle rhythm, her breathing pattern matching Eddie's as the song continued to play.

So darlin', darlin' stand, by me
Oh-oh stand by me
Oh stand, stand by me, stand by me

Eddie silently tilted her chin, wiping away the tear tracks that had stained her cheeks with his thumb. She smiled at him weakly, continuing to sway. Despite how much she was hurting, one thing was for sure, she loved Eddie Lawson with everything she had.

And he loved her too.

The song came to a gentle end. Eddie stopped swaying. Rachel's eyes remained glued to his. She stared at him lovingly.

"Ok?" Eddie asked, his voice a gentle whisper

She nodded, intertwining one of her hands with his.

He kissed her forehead gently, wrapping her tightly in his arms.

She didn't feel ok. Not in the slightest. Her heart was aching and she was drained. But with Eddie by her side, she felt she could handle anything. Things always seemed a little less scary when he was around.

Rachel pulled away from him, collapsing back onto the sofa. Eddie sat beside her gently, wrapping a blanket over her. He stroked her hair softly, until her breathing began to calm and her eyes drifted closed. She fell into sleep with her hand resting in his.

Eddie knew it would take time for her to be ok again. There was a storm heading their way in the morning. But there was one thing he did know. That no matter what happened, he would stand by her.

Because he loved her.

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