Maya glared at him, "so what? You son of a bitch."

She took him by his collar dragging him up to his feet, slamming his back on a wall, "you're gonna apologize to them right now, if you don't so help me."

"I'm the older one, you can't threaten me, you should respect me-"

Maya groaned, pushing him against the wall, her arm on his neck, he gasped for breath.

All of the pent up anger and emotions had broken threw the box, she was used to her father ruining her life, she couldn't stand and watch him ruin Hailee's, she's worked damn hard for hers, she wasn't losing that.

"You will apologise to them by the end of this day, because I know we won't be able to figure it out in a day," Maya ordered, "you're going to apologise to Hailee because you've risked her career for your shenanigans, alright? Whether you mean it or not, I want an apology."

Victor couldn't believe the Maya that was stood in front of him, he was used to the scared, obeying Maya, this was completely different, and he wanted no part in it.

"Okay," he surrendered raising his hand, Maya let go of his neck stepping back.

"Didn't know you could speak Hindi," Baek-Hyun said, she'd never spoken the language after three years with them, he was impressed.

"Yeah well I had to understand the insults he was throwing my way," Maya shrugged.

She turned to the other people in the room, the one that mattered anyways, her father could rot for all she cared.

"Someone's going to need to brief me on this," Maya spoke, "Ivan Darkwood is a dangerous man."



She's angry.

Like full-on fuming, close to murdering her father.

Victor Rao had made a deal with Ivan Darkwood, to supply him with the materials of the most booming industry right now.

That was going all well for years, he'd made a lot of money, had a lot of security and nobody looked in his past.

Victor was set.

That's where Peter Steinfeld entered, he'd been looking into joining a business with someone, got a word about Victor having a huge hand in the industry, he contacted him.

Peter had gotten an easy way inside the business, working with Victor meant he got the same amount of security, which he forwarded towards his daughter, Hailee.

Hailee's industry is ruthless, he wanted to protect her from the physical aspects of it, so it was all going well for him.

That's when Victor started to get bored with the industry, it didn't have the same attraction to it anymore, so he tried to leave, without any explanation.

Ivan Darkwood has yet to find out that Victor [surname] has been planning on leaving without any reason or legally, though his goons have gotten a sniff of it.

If they don't divert the attention from him abruptly leaving to something meaningful as to why he was doing this, Ivan Darkwood was powerful enough to destroy the two families overnight and leave no trace.

Hailee Steinfeld would've disappeared from the face of the earth and nobody would suspect foul play.

So Victor had played the Steinfeld's when he dragged Peter into this, all Peter ever wanted was to protect his daughter, but the opposite happened.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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