"A win-win?!" My anger reaches a boiling point. "Are you out of your mind? The whole point of me wanting to be human is so that we can have children Emmett. I want to have a family. I want to grow old with you. I want grandchildren!" I'm practically yelling at him now.

"Babe, come on. We can still have all of that. Things have changed so much since were human. We always discussed adoption. Or there is the option of artificial insemination. We already know I have living relatives so we could track them down and..."

"And what, steal their sperm?!" I interrupt Emmett.

"Mom, what's spe....?" Kai asks curiously.

"NO, no, no, no." Evie interrupts Kai.

This question caught us all of guard. Before anyone could respond, every adult in the room including myself bursts into a fit of laughter. Our laughter echos through the cave.

"See what you've done." Evie says when she regains her composure.

"It's time for bed love bug." Evie says, scooping Kai into her arms and walking off toward one of the huts on the far side of the cave.

"What is it though?" Kai asks again.

"I'll tell you when you're older. Much older." Evie giggles, pulling him tighter to her chest. I stare at them longingly. That, that is exactly what I want.

"Okay. If we can track down some of your relatives and they agree to help us, I will be okay with you staying a vampire. As long as our children have your DNA, I'm alright with that." I say to Emmett, never breaking my stare from Evie and her son as they enter their hut.


Bella's POV:

I've never been a fan of Forks or Washington in general. When I first moved here, I dreaded the rain and the cold. As we drive, I stare out the window at the scenic nature that whips past us. Rose is speeding but with my freshly enhanced newborn eyes I count every tree we pass. Their leaves splashing the world with a blend of autumn colors. It really is quite beautiful. This view makes me think of Victoria. With her hair she could easily blend in among the trees, never to be spotted. She sits next to me in the back seat of the Cullen's vehicle. I take her hand in mine, squeezing it gently.

I've been told that vampires don't experience mental illness. While it might not be the same as it was when I was human, anxiety courses through my ice-cold veins as we head to the Cullen's house. If I could sweat, my shirt would be drenched. Stepping back into his house after everything he has done makes me want to run in the opposite direction. We have to discuss everything with Carlisle though and Rose thought it would be best if I were there. Evie is with us as well, sitting on the opposite side of Victoria. I glance over to see her staring our intertwined hands. A part of my heart breaks as I see the longing and sadness in her eyes. She will never get to hold the hand of the person she loves most again. This trip would be more difficult for her than for me. We are going to the house where the man who murdered her mate lives. He may have broke my heart, but he destroyed her life.

"Don't worry, I'll be by your side the entire time." I offer her in an attempt at comfort.

"Oh, I'm not worried. Just feeling a bit down is all." Evie turns her head to look out the window.

"That's understandable. The fact that you have the courage to come with us shows just how strong you really are." Victoria chimes in, her voice sounding of admiration.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I shouldn't have to be strong. I should be running through the woods with my mate, with my family. I'm only doing this so that the rest of my people can live." Evie says with irritation.

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