Chapter 21: Popular

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"It's good to see you happy again Y/N. Hopefully one day we can rekindle our friendship. I know things got complicated when my parents left to go work for the Vision's..."

I shake my head to cut her off, "it's not your fault Soph. Everything happens for a reason. Thanks for the coffees." I give her a soft smile as she does the same to me. I head back over to the table to the most beautiful girl I know and we enjoy our coffees before heading to homeroom.

Of course in Homeroom Wanda stole the kid's seat who used to sit next to me towards the back of the class. One day she just took his unassigned assigned seat and he didn't question it so. Wanda was working on her chemistry homework that she of course did not finish the night before.

"Good morning Miss Maximoff. Y/n." Jarvis greeted us as she looked up to take a quick glance and back to her homework sheet without saying anything. I scoff at the interaction and Wanda reaches her hand out for mine while concentrating on her homework.

"Since when did he become so nice?" I asked.

"I don't know..." Wanda replied not looking at me. Something felt a little off as she was brushing the subject off quicker than usual. I try not to think too much into it. Maybe she was just really focused on her homework at the moment.

It was finally time for lunch and for some reason today I was starving. I didn't pack my lunch so I waited in line to get something. I go back to our table and begin eating as soon as I sit down.

"Woah slow down babe." Wanda giggled as she watched me eat.

"Hey! Big game tonight!" Tony said clapping his hands.

I look up at him and smirk, "stop it."

"Oh if you think this is bad right now. Just wait till you see me at the game. That after party is still happening right?"

"Yes. Hazel just asked us to be at the guest house since she is leaving out of town tomorrow morning."

"Is she coming? I miss her!" Carol said.

"Yes." I smile down looking at my food. "She will be there tonight."

"Yay! I'm so excited!" Carol said. Just then a rowdy group of boys walk past us.

"Ms. Nash. Good luck at your game tonight, I am sure you will do great." Jarvis said as he continued to walk over to his table. I give a confused look without looking at him.

"What the hell was that?" Natasha asked.

"I don't know...he hasn't bothered me for a bit. And this morning in homeroom he said good morning to Wanda and I." I give a confused look.

Pietro comes running in to the table with a newspaper. "Hey Y/n! I didn't know you were a celebrity in this town?"

"What are you talking about Piet?" He puts the paper in front of me.

"Oh no way! You guys look sooo cute in those photos! Lemme see!" Carol said grabbing it before I could read anything.

My legs begin to shake and Wanda notices and puts her hand on my thigh to settle me down. She brushes one side of my hair behind my ear to whisper to me, "it's okay baby."

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