
On the day of the trip, the students boarded the train at the station.

Class E watched the other students board first class.

"Whoa..." Sugaya smiled nervously. "The A through D classes are riding first class."

Rio sighed. "We're the only ones in coach. Like always."

Kensaku overheard them and smirked smugly. "Those are the rules at our school and they were explained when you came here," he reminded them vindictively.

Takada smiled nastily, poking his head out. "Students with exceptional grades get priority use of school funds!"

Tanaka munched loudly on a snack. "Oh, dear-is that the stench of poverty I smell?"

Yuki shrugged. "Don't worry about it. This just means we don't have to talk to any of them."

"We can always count on you to see the bright side can't we?" Sora asked with a a small laugh.

"Yup!" Yuki chirped.

"Do pardon me," Bitch-sensei called, gaining the Teacher and boys' attention.


A close up of her cleavage was shown, as Bitch-sensei swaggered in looking more glamorous than usual.

"Greeting, students," she said coyly.

"Professor Bitch, why do you look like you want The Paparazzi to care who you are?" Maehara asked while he and the rest of E Class remained unfazed by her glamour.

She chuckled loftily, removing her sunglasses. "It's a given for any assassination who uses her womanly wiles." She lifted her chin proudly. "A good woman doesn't neglect fashion just because she's travelling."

"You stick out like a sore thumb. Go change," Karasuma ordered sternly, making her pause. "That's not what a teacher chaperone looks like."

Bitch-sensei scoffed. "Don't be so strict, Karasuma!" She smirked. "These brats are going on a grown-up trip-"

Karasuma's face darkened. "Take it off. Now."

"The amount of jokes I could make about that phrasing..." Sora muttered.

Bitch-sensei's smirk vanished, choking on her own words.


The scene shifted to her sulking in a seat in the coach, wearing a conservative pink jacket and black yoga pants.

"Uh, who's chaperoning who?" Kataoka whispered to Isogai.

"Guess she's a little disconnected from regular people, seeing how she's only ever killed rich guys before," Isogai said warily.

The train sped along the tracks.

"Okay, so if we corner him there..."

Isogai and his group were whispering about their plans.

Hiroto and his group were playing a board game.

"Woo-hoo!" The Road to Riches!" he shouted, while Rio made a noise of outrage.

Mimura was showing his group his video camera. "I'll edit it up later."

"Wow, cool!" Sugaya grinned while Chiba polished his sniper lens.

Terasaka's group was silent with most of them just reading.

Nagisa and his group were busy looking over at the others.

Sugino frowned. "The train left the station... but where's Koro-sensei?"

"He's right there." Sora stated, pointing his thumb at the window.

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