CHAPTER 14 | Day 4 Part 1

Start from the beginning

She places her bow beside her bed, hoping she'll remember to repair it tomorrow morning. She falls asleep as soon as she hits her pillow.

She does not notice a scar on her chest, as there was no scar to be noticed.

For AshleyTheUnicorn was not the boogeyman.


The sun rises and MeganPlays wakes up in a start. She's feeling a lot better this morning than last, at least. A good night's rest will do that to you.

"Okay, alright. So, what's the agenda for today?" she asks herself, before remembering the answer.

Right. She's got her deal with Sketch to uphold - steal the enchanting table and get it back to the Bromance Bros. Shouldn't be too difficult if she's not caught, right? She just has to lure them away from their base somehow.


It doesn't matter - she'll figure it out. Instead, she rolls out of her bed and gathers her supplies for the day, before deciding to text Sketch.


<MeganPlays whispered to Sketch> I'm gonna try and steal the enchanting table later today

<MeganPlays whispered to Sketch> Where do you want me to meet you to hand it over?

<Sketch whispered to MeganPlays> good morning

<MeganPlays whispered to Sketch> GM to you too, answer my question please?

<Sketch whispered to MeganPlays> give me five minutes to wake up

<MeganPlays whispered to Sketch> Oh okay


Not very helpful. Alright, time to get out of this shack and get moving.

Megan exits and starts to wander around, not perfectly sure where she's going but she's moving anyway. It smells smoky - that's most likely the sounds of skeletons and zombies burning in the sun. She spots a zombie hiding under a tree and makes quick work of it.

"Barely took any damage, nice!" she compliments herself. "I'm getting better at this."

It's reassuring, actually. Megan remembers Tanqr's words from yesterday - insinuating she wasn't good enough to be worth teaming with. Rude. Now, she's decided she's going to survive no matter what. Even if she has to play dirty to do it. But more than that, she promises herself that no matter what, she's going to outlive Tanqr. That'll show him.

Well, if she's going to survive, she's going to need to get some better tools - her iron ones are breaking. An enchantment should be enough to fix that.

Megan grins as she walks deeper into the forest. Two can play this game.


"Good morning, Bromance Bros!" Albert yells, loud enough for the whole base to hear. It's his foolproof way of making sure no one can ignore him - be as loud as possible.

Denis rolls out of bed and groans, landing at Albert's feet.

"Get up, lazy bum." Albert playfully kicks Denis's back and Denis shoots up, rubbing his eyes.

"Alright, alright, I'm getting up. Give me a second, you're like Sir Meowsalot." Denis teases, standing up and neatens himself up just a tad. Albert knows full well it takes Denis a while to wake up, so this is going to be fun.

"Because I'm your favourite little guy?" Albert responds, leading to Denis sighing.

"No- because when you want something you endlessly pester me."

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