Jose Rizal in Ateneo de Manila

Start from the beginning

The method of instruction used at Ateneo was the RATIO STUDIORUM, a system of indoctrination under tight and constant discipline but with reward.

It applies memorization and understanding of the concepts taught in class. At that time, the Atenean education had one goal: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam ADMG (or For the Greater Glory of God). A student's life was centered on the chapel, considered as the highest level of extra-curricular activity. Rizal was able to pass his oral examination on March 14,1877.

He finished with the degree, Bachiller en Artes, with the highest academic honors. Looking at Rizal's scholastic records, it is evident that he excelled in his academic studies during the entire time that he was studying at Ateneo. Racial pride, monastic discipline and seclusion of boarding school life were the factors that gave Rizal the motivation to outshine his classmates.

Note that in doing so, he wanted to prove to his Spanish classmates that a Filipino student can compete and beat them academically. The competition inside the classroom was an opportunity to outdo his classmates in the daily activities designed to test the student's memory and understanding of their lessons in the different curriculum. For Rizal, being in a boarding school was effective as it gave him more time to focus on his studies.

Aside from academics, Rizal was also active in extra-curricular activities. He became a member of Marian Congregation and an officer in the religious confraternities at Ateneo. This position is only offered to students who consistently possessed the highest degree of scholarship and leadership. There, he was mentored by Father Pablo Pastells, S.J. He was also a member of two academic societies: Academy of Spanish literature and the Academy of Natural Sciences, both were considered elite organizations for students who excelled in literature and the sciences.

When he was a student at Ateneo, he wrote another poem entitled Un Recuerdo de Mi Pueblo (In Memory of My Town). Written in 1876, this poem was his way of giving tribute to his hometown, Calamba. The content of the poem shows how Rizal appreciates the beauty of his place, which made him love nature and to strengthen his faith and beliefs in God.

In Memory of My Town

When I recall the days, that my boyhood saw

By the green banks of a murmuring lagoon;

When I recall the murmur of the wind

That sweetly amused by brow with delicious freshness;

I recall, sadly recall your countenance, infancy precious

That a loving mother Oh! Succeeded in embellishing

I recall a simple town, my contentment, happiness and cradle,

by the fresh lagoon, seat my love.

The Creator I saw in the grandeur of your secular forests;

Sorrows on your bosom, never did I come to know;

While at your blue sky I gazed, neither love nor tenderness

Did I lack, for in Nature my pleasure depended.

Tender childhood, beautiful town, rich fountain of happiness

Of harmonious melodies that banish sorrows!

Return to my heart, return my gentle hours

Return as the birds return when flowers are in bloom!

But alas! Adieu! Eternally keep vigil over your peace, joy and

Repose, Genie of goodness who kindly his gifts presents with love;

For you my fervent wishes, for you my constant yearning

To learn and to heaven I pray that you your candor keep!

The exposure of Rizal into the Atenean system of education became his way to write more poems on religion and education. Among the notable poems were:

1. Al Niño Jesus (To the Child Jesus) as Rizal's expression of his devotion to Catholicism;

2. La Alianza Intima Entre Religion y La Buena Educacion (The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education); and

3. Por La Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria (Through Education The Country Receives Light) that shows Rizal's various ideas on education.

From this, Rizal likened education to a lighthouse — that it can guide people in their behaviors and actions. Rizal even quoted the good effects that a country and its people can learn from an excellent and wise education. He believes that through education, the country could bear a group of educated youth who can guide them towards progress.

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