Iwabe & Denki

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After recess, the students were enjoying their freetime because of their teacher having busy with paper work so they can do whatever they want outside/inside the classroom.

Sarada & Shikadai were playing chest as Boruto watches.

Sarada: I WIN!

Shikadai: man, your good.

Sarada: better luck next time *as she cheerfully says*

Boruto: ugh, is so boring!

Sarada: your being a baby Boruto.

Boruto: *sighs* can we play soccer with Metal?

Shikadai: I'm not really good at soccer *as he laughs*

Boruto: don't worry, it'll be fun! Cmon! *as they ran outside*

As Boruto, Sarada, Shikadai got to the yard..they saw Metal practing.

Boruto: Hey Metal!

Metal: oh hey guys!

Sarada: guess someone's having a good time.

Metal: I am haha, why are you guys doing here?

Boruto: were here to play with you!

Metal: cool, let's start then!

Boruto is teamed up with Metal as Sarada was teamed up with Shikadai.

Shikadai: uhm, Sarada..i think we'll lose 100%

Sarada: don't worry, we can try!

Metal: GO!

As Boruto wildly got the ball, Sarada took it in a flash.

Boruto: *gasp* (in mind) *no way she got it that fast!*

As Sarada was about to hit a goal, Metal came in with a strike as he took the ball from Sarada.

Sarada: Shikadai!

Shikadai: I don't know what to do?!

Boruto: Metal pass me the ball!

Metal kicked the ball to Boruto as Sarada was chasing him.

Sarada: your not going anywhere Boruto!

Boruto: let's see!

Boruto kicked in his shadow clone which made Sarada hard to get the ball.

Sarada: Boruto that's cheating!

Boruto: catch me if you can!

As Boruto & Sarada were chasing each other, Boruto was almost close to the net signaling him to kick.

Boruto kicked the ball with full speed which miss the net.

Boruto: *gasp* DENKI WATCH OUT!

Denki: huh?


Boruto: DENKI! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!? *as he ran to help him*

Sarada: I'll call Sir Shino!

Boruto: No! Not yet...!

Denki: ow....

Boruto: I'm so sorry Denki! I kicked the ball to hard..i didn't mean for this to happen!

Denki: it's fine Boruto...

Boruto: is there anything I can repay it?

Denki: no no no! It's fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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