Moving In With The Ex

Start from the beginning

"I never assumed you did." Verosika said

"You didn't?" Blitzø said

"No, but why would they do something like that?" Verosika said

"They did to close off the deal the company had with Stolas, that's one of the reasons why the company was shut down." Blitzø said "But when Stella showed me her memory, they said some things before they killed him."

After Blitzø told Verosika what Moxxie & Millie said

"I really thought they were my family, I thought they still cared about me despite the way I acted, but I was wrong." Blitzø said

"Blitzø–." Verosika said

"Verosika, listen, you can say whatever insult you wanna throw at me, I deserve it." Blitzø said "I'm sorry I wasn't a good boyfriend to you & I'm sorry I stole your car & your credit card. I don't expect you to forgive me, I'd hate me too if I were you."

Just then Blitzø was suddenly wrapped in a hug by Verosika.

"Verosika, what are you doing? Why are you hugging me?" Blitzø said

"Because you looked like you needed one." Verosika said

"Oh, thank you, I guess." Blitzø said

"You're welcome." Verosika smiled "So, where do you think you're gonna get a new job."

"Well, I just had a deal with an acquaintance, we're gonna start our own killing business together." Blitzø said

"How long are you gonna live here until then?" Verosika asked

"I don't know, probably not long, I don't think I'm gonna be able to afford a new place to live." Blitzø said

"Okay, how about you move in with me?" Verosika offered

"What? No, V, I can't do that to you, I don't want it to be any trouble." Blitzø said

"It's no trouble, I don't mind." Verosika said

"I really appreciate the offer, but I'm thinking about moving into Millie's Family's Ranch & probably become a farmhand there." Blitzø said

"Okay, although I highly doubt you would be welcomed there." Verosika said

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Blitzø looked at her

"Oh Nothing, I wonder if they would believe that their daughter & son-in-law's boss was the cause of their arrest. Regarding how badly you treated Moxxie & Millie, they might put the blame on you thinking that you drove Moxxie & Millie into killing Stolas." Verosika said

"What?" Blitzø said in shock

"If you started working for them, they might give you a very hard time & make your life a living Hell as punishment." Verosika said "Who knows what other punishments they would give you, they might put you in chains & lock you up in a basement, horse whip you & starve you."

"No, no, they like me, they wouldn't do that." Blitzø denied "...Would they?"

"Maybe, but that's me probably talking shit." Verosika shrugged before she stood up. "Well, I have to go, I'll see you around."

As Verosika left, Blitzø sat there in thought. Would Millie's Family do that to him? What if he couldn't take the punishment anymore & decided to leave, would they let him go willingly? Would he be able to survive those punishments given to him? Would he be able to escape? The thought of them doing those things terrified him. Blitzø stood up & rushed out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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