"I want us to go on a little excursion! Do you know about The Dark Forest?.." Mario had a slight smile forming on his lips, he was planning something that didn't sound 'very good'

"The Dark Forest? I didn't hear about that."  Y/N looked at her friends in confusion, she didn't know very well about the stories or things about the town since she didn't get into things like that much.

"Ehh? Don't you know what the dark forest is?!"  Lilith exclaimed in surprise, her friends looked at her confused when they heard her.

"Y/N, how many years have you lived in this town?"  Alejandro spoke, who had been silent all this time

"Well, since... I think it was fourteen years ago, I think when I was four years old I arrived and I was in this town ever since."  She shrugged her shoulders, she didn't think it was a big deal.

"Fourteen years ago? You came here when you were four? So you spent half of your eighteen years in this town and never found out what the dark forest is?! That's impressive!"  Mario exclaimed in surprise, he got up from the couch and walked away from the living room towards his room.

"Is that bad? .. I mean, I never knew everything about this town.." Y/N looked at the ground a little sad, thinking that maybe her friends thought badly of her.

"No Y/N! It's okay, it's just that it seems strange to us because you are the only one of all of us who has lived in this town for fourteen years.." Lilith spoke trying to cheer up the girl "You know, I live here for two years, Mario for four years, Alejandro for six and Charlotte for one year... I mean, it's not bad, that you don't know anything about the dark forest it just seems strange to us that you don't know! We found out about the dark forest faster than you and you were the only one who lived here longer." Lilith clarified, touching your shoulder while smiling confusedly.

"Surely since Y/N is a girl who doesn't get into trouble and she's mommy and daddy's daughter she won't know about those things!"  Charlotte laughed crossing her arms, Lilith looked at her annoyed by her bad comment and Y/N lowered her head saddened by the words of her 'friend'.

"Here are all the newspapers and important things about the dark forest!"  Mario suddenly entered the living room with two boxes and some papers and newspapers "The dark forest was one of the most disturbing cases, it is the largest known forest in this town! Many people entered and never came back.. The case is not what happened to them, but who did something to them."

Mario put the papers on the table and put the snacks on the plates aside, he opened the boxes where there were more papers and newspaper, even photos.  He took out all the papers, newspapers and photos and put them on the table showing his friends his research.

"I've been researching about the Black Forest since I arrived in this town! My grandparents lived here, and they told me many things about the Black Forest! It's impressive, for many, many years, maybe since the year 1700 or something like that they started investigating the dark forest and not many things or answers were found! Every time someone entered in they didn't come back."  Mario showed newspaper about missing people who were never found by anyone

"That sounds interesting!"  Lilith seemed more interested in the situation and grabbed a newspaper to read.

"Yes, very interesting! Plus, there are photos of the dark forest."  Mario showed some photos, showing what the forest was like on the outside, and a few photos of what the entrance inside the forest was like. There were none showing what it was like inside the forest.  "There are many more unsolved mysteries, more questions and more stories... But what I want us to do is take a little excursion, you all already know where it is, don't you?"  Mario smiled, putting the papers, newspaper and photos back into the two boxes.

"In the dark forest? But didn't you say it was dangerous?.. I mean, you told us that there are people who went in and never came back from the forest.." Y/N spoke looking unsure and not satisfied by the idea of ​​doing that 'little' excursion.

"That's why! We are five, we have more advantage and we will take everything we need with us!! Food, lights, water and weapons! It will be like a trip, doesn't that sound great?"  Mario smiled as he put the boxes on the side of the couch and looked at us confidently.

"Yes! I love it when we go on group excursions with food! It sounds great, I'm in!"  Lilith exclaimed excited and happy at the idea.

"Well, I'm in, it seems interesting."  Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"As long as we're in a group, I'm in."  Alejandro spoke, he didn't seem very excited or afraid, always serious.

"Y/N, what do you say? Are you in?"  Mario asked you, looking at you with a smile just like your other friends looked at you.

"I... Okay, I'm in.."  You sighed, Lilith and Mario giggled happily.

"Great! And when are we going to that dark forest if I may ask?"  Charlotte cleared her throat, looking at Mario.

"Tonight."  Mario responded.

"What, tonight? Can't we go tomorrow when it's daylight?"  You spoke raising an eyebrow, you moved on the couch to get comfortable and look at Mario better.

"Nope, that's why I said we're going to bring flashlights! So we can see and explore, it'll be like an investigation!"  Mario chuckles getting up from the couch "For now, we are going to carry backpacks and put what we need, first I am going to pack and grab what I need, then we will go to Alejandro's house, Charlotte's, Lilith's house and finally Y/N."

"How exciting! Even though our parents won't say anything? I mean mine are probably sleeping now, I didn't tell them I was coming here..." Lilith looked a little confused and worried.

"Yes, I didn't tell my parents that I would come here either... We have to make sure they know or something..." you spoke remembering that you escaped away from your house to be able to come to your friend Mario's house, it didn't seem like a good idea to hide something from your parents. because it was a little dangerous to go with just five people alone in a forest without telling anyone

"Don't worry about that! I told my grandpa that I'm going on a little excursion with my friends. Even though I didn't tell him where.." Mario laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck as he looked at them nervously.

"We don't have to tell them, if something happens to us we have phones, we can call them at any time if we are in danger."  Alejandro sighed and crossed his arms.

"But what a genius! He's right, we have phones!!"  Lilith laughed and takes out her phone.

"Well, we're all set, and we don't need anything more to know! Now why don't we go?"  Mario grabbed his backpack to go pack the necessary things.

You looked a little worried at your friends, what if something happened to them, to you?  It's not that you didn't like excursions, but going at night wasn't that safe either. Even though everything would be fine, wouldn't it?

 Even though everything would be fine, wouldn't it?

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