Safe Haven (MK1 Smoke - 🥰)

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Originally brought into the Lin Kuei by being arranged to marry Bi-Han, the reader learns that he is not the man they thought him to be and when he goes off the deep end, the reader seeks help from someone in the Lin Kuei that they has true feelings for...

Being arranged to marry Bi-Han of the Lin Kuei, I thought this new chapter of my life would be the beginning of many good ones.

That turned out to be far from what I expected. Bi-Han wasn't exactly the lover that I was looking for.

Although he became grandmaster and I was soon to be his bride, he had business to handle with Lord Lui Kang and I had no knowledge of what exactly was going on.

Not till Bi-Han returned, claiming his brothers Kuai Liang and Tomas were no longer a part of the Lin Kuei, and that he'd no longer be working with Lord Lui Kang.

Any question I had, he didn't answer, told me that it was none of my concern.

Bi-Han wasn't exactly the man I dreamed of being with my entire life. I already doubts in the past and this was my breaking point.

He must've forgotten that I was a highly skilled martial artist like himself. One night when he finally rested, I snuck out, needing to find Tomas.

I learned that he and Kuai were making their own clan, the Shirai Ryu, and looking to take down Bi-Han and restore the Lin Kuei.

There was so much I needed to get off my chest and I knew I could do so with Tomas. Out of their entire clan, I bonded with him the most and I knew that he'd help me.

It didn't take me long to reach the Shirai Ryu's minka, stumbling upon a beautiful garden full of red trees, lit in the night by lanterns.

"Y/N?" Tomas's voice alone had me ready to burst into tears, running to him, "What are you doin here? How did you find this place?"

"I've been following you, but it's not what you think," I said quickly, fighting tears and running out of breath, "I can't stand Bi-Han anymore. I can't take it. I don't want to marry him. I don't want to be in his Lin Kuei anymore."

"Y/N, breathe. Try to calm down," Holding my shoulders, trying his best to comfort me, "Are you-"

I already knew what he was going to ask and cut him off with tears flowing down my face:

"I'm positive and mean every word I say, Tomas. You don't know him like I do and just how terrible he is. I don't want to go back. Please-"

"Shh, it's okay," He whispered, pulling me into a warm hug, "I believe you."

His hug was everything I needed and more, my tears slowed and after some deep breaths, I didn't feel so weak and brittle anymore, answering his question from before:

"I have been doing work of my own while Bi-Han has been gone. That's how I found this place. So I could come talk to you."

"Showing off your skill I see," He smiled while rubbing my back, trying to raise my spirit, holding up my head some to connect a gaze, growing serious again as he asked, "I know you're upset and dealing with a lot right now, but everything you said, you're sure that you mean it?"

"Tomas," I breathed in deeply, failing at fighting my tears as I confessed, "He's never loved me. The only thing that kept me there was you, b-because, I love you."

I didn't realize at first how big his pupils expanded, my heart pouring and continuing to confess:

"You're the one who always made sure that I was okay, spent time with me, made me feel special, instead of treating me like some object. I'm sorry I waited till now to tell you. I was just so scared of Bi-Han and now he's completely lost it and I didn't know who else to go to."

"It's okay," He breathed, thinking and pulling back into his hug, his whisper making me cry silently, "Im so glad that you came to me."

The tears wouldn't stop coming, shaking as a chilled wind blew past us in the garden, but those shakes coming to halt as his embrace grew a bit tighter and warmer, his voice helping me ease down:

"You don't have to worry about Bi-Han anymore. You never have to go back. Never."

"I don't know what I'd do with you," I whispered, looking up from his shoulder as he whispered back:

"Don't trouble yourself thinking about it. I love you too much to let you go back to that monster of a man."

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