Chapter Ten ✩ Old School [Part 1]

Start from the beginning

"Why does my opinion matter? You'll continue to be weak with your dumb mindset." He turned to the school scratching the back of his head. "Maybe I should just take this matter into my own hands. You sounding like you signed your death certificate."

"What?!" She raised her voice circling in front of Gojo. "Oh so now your opinion shouldn't matter?"

She gritted her teeth looking up at him and poking his chest. The way he acts, does he not always make his opinion seem superior? Especially since he is so called strong?

He grabbed her hand stopping the mini-assault on his chest sending a flick to her forehead. "It never should have. Your problem is that you depend on people too much. You never make your own choices because you are thinking about others. You won't get far in life with that mindset."

Out of all people, Gojo was informing her of her self-punishing ways. Was she really like that? She didn't really think of her words much. Usually, there was some playful nature behind her words, even though a great amount wasn't.

She rubbed her forehead glaring at him feeling an impending red mark as he cocked his head to the side with grin.

"Are you gonna cry about it? It's the truth."

"Oh what an amazing sensei you would make." She spoke sarcastically turning her attention back to the school. "Remind me of this damn mission."

"You better start listening more. I can't always remember for the both of us."

"Whatever Gojo. Just remind me of it now."

He now stood beside her staring at the school. It wasn't as grand as Jujutsu Tech, but it was a decent size. It was an all girls school.

"What's gonna happen is that you'll exorcise the curse. It should be a Grade 4, so it should be pretty easy." He yawned stretching his arms up in the air. It was clearly way too late for him to be up at this time. "I'm not going to interfere unless I have to. If I do have to interfere, that does solidify you as weak."

She clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth. "I thought you were being nice today."

"I am. I didn't say I wasn't going to be real." He grinned mischievously, "Prove me wrong Kanae. Maybe I'll have respect for you then."

The two slowly walked towards the entrance. Kanae opened the door. Before she could walk in herself, Gojo immediately walked in causing her to roll her eyes.

"Ladies first I guess." She mumbled to herself trailing behind the strong sorcerer.

They stood in the main hall. Kanae cringed as she reminisced. The main office connected, along with two grand staircases on either side leading to the second floor.

It was the main hangout place especially in the mornings before class. She remembers the random cat fights and arguments that occurred there. She was never a part of them but she would be lying if she hadn't dropped an ear to who was stealing what, who fell out with who, and who was sleeping with who.

Teenagers can be ruthless, but are also the most entertaining. The drama was quite unmatched when viewing one's teen years in comparison to their adult one's.

"Why are the lights off? Aren't the main lights of schools always on?" The words quivered out of her. In attempt to hide it, she hacked up a cough.

"Well at least this becomes more discrete."

Gojo could notice Kanae's unsettled demeanour. Her eyes lingered on certain grooves and displays familiar with the ghastly presence of the school. She began to rub her arm as a chilled breath left her lips. It was obvious she wanted this to be over more than anything.

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