III. Winterfell's dragons.

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Winter washed away, allowing the flowers to bloom in the ever-cold weather of Winterfell. The absence of lady Gilliane was almost chocking the residence of the Keep – their beloved lady who has done more for them in the years she was here than the lord Rickon ever did. They, however, didn't feel the same about their new lady. Daenys remained a stranger to them – they were never welcoming to the Targaryens ever since their ancestors bend their knees to Aegon the Conquer nor did they like the meek and reserved girl. Not even when the master Kennet announced the happy news to the Keep – Daenys Targaryen was a moon in her pregnancy.

When the news reached Cregan, he was deep in the forest with his uncle and father. His eyes darted to the man on the horse – only to identify the man as Trevas – and he already feared the worst. But Trevas smiled once he reached them, "you look like you just saw a ghost, lord."

"I think I might have," Cregan replied, knowing he ordered Trevas to come to him in a case of an emergency, "what happened? Is Daenys alright?"

Bennard rolled his eyes – the Gods forsaken Targaryen girl. Trevas replied, "the more marrier news, really."

Cregan's brows pinched, "marrier news?"

Trevas tapped his fingers against his wrist, "the princess is with child."

Daenys was Cregan's contrast

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Daenys was Cregan's contrast. Always was, always will be. Even know, when she should have been celebrating the happy news, she stood within the silence of the chambers, nails picking and pulling on the skin around them, cheeks wet with tears as the history of her ancestors rolled over her mind – Daella Targaryen died after giving birth to her only child at the age of one and eight, three years her senior. Alyssa Targaryen died a year after giving birth to her son at the age of two and four. Not too long-ago Laena Velaryon died when she was two and seven at the hands of the long labour. Even the late Queen Aemma Arryn passed in the childbirth at the age of two and three.

Her fingers curled, teeth sinking in her lower lip so harshly that blood started to drip down her chin. She wasn't aware but Meraxes roared back in King's Landing. She just flew back to the Dragonpit – happy for her rider – only to roar in pain, suddenly aware of Daenys' anxiety in Winterfell. The doors of the chambers opened. Cregan was smiling – though nervous – until it faded when Daenys turned around.

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