Kanato froze as he heard her speak. "What about you?"

"Tch, you Kanato are just going to have to try to understand me better to get that information. How desperate are you?" She asked before she stood up and started to balance herself on top of the railing.

He looked up to her confused. "I don't think I understand what you're saying Serena."

She knelt down to him and grinned before she poked his forehead. "Then don't say that shit to others. What I just did is what you do to people which pisses me off so damn much you're lucky I didn't kill you before you woke up when you fell on top of me."

He looked to her shocked. "I...I fell on top of you when I came here?"

"Yes and when you came flying out of that damn portal thing in the wall you fell on me you unconsciously kissed me. So now that we got that out of the way I suggest you keep your beautiful purple eyes open while you're around me otherwise you'd miss it." She said before she tapped the side of his face.

He gave her a small glare before he turned himself to get off of the balcony.


"Fuck, here comes the train wreck. I'm outta here, don't tell her shit got it?" Serena said point at him

He nodded his head before he saw her jump down. She landed on her feet before she hid herself out of eyesight. As she did Malta found her way onto the balcony where Kanato was just sitting looking at the stars.

"Have you seen a brunette woman around here anywhere Kanato?"

"Go to hell you stupid woman. Do you honestly believe I'll tell you where a woman who gave up her life so you can live as you please just for you to treat her like utter garbage?" Kanato said coldly

Malta didn't understand why Kanato was being so cold to her. "You've talked to Serena haven't you?!"

"Aren't you a smart woman...I talked with her last night but haven't since I saw her going to this shed type building away from this place. You really enjoy treating her like crap don't you?" Kanato asked coldly

Malta looked to him sadly. "Does it displease you that much that I have Serena how I do?"

"YES! In my time my family has maids and butlers all over the place they live within the house. They are all treated with respect and never once have we ever had to shout at them. Human or not the are all good people who actually do what they are supposed to without trouble." Kanato said seriously

Malta frowned and placed a hand on her chest. "S-So what should I do? Serena has always lived outside in that shed, I don't hear her complain about it."

"Maybe its because she doesn't want to seem as if she was a burden to you since you have this aura I usually see around my brothers." Kanato said as he narrowed his eyes at her. "Which by the way I have no like for."

"How many siblings do you have?"

"Two half blood elder brothers, one full blooded elder brother, one full blooded younger brother and one half blooded younger brother."

"Damn...Your family is almost as big as Rena's."

"She told you about hers?" He asked

"Yup, when I got done telling her about mine she said that I was being a brat about it and that she had it worse. She's one of 11 kids, the middle of them too. From what I heard from her the only female too which makes her a threat to her family since a demon princess is taboo."

Kanato rose an eyebrow at Malta. "How is it taboo? It can't be that bad."

"If a woman is born into the demon blood her fate is sealed in one of two ways. Being killed by the eldest of her bloodline, which would be her elder brother Xaver or be married to someone of equal or higher standers of blood be it demon or otherwise." Serena said from the doorway.

Kanato jumped when he heard her voice.

"Talking about me Mal?" Serena asked

"Where the fuck have you been?! You know I need to be woken up earlier than I did?" Malta said seriously

"Do I have a sign on me that says 'hello my name is Malta's bitch please use and yell at me all you want' on me?" Serena said sarcastically

Malta glared at her. "This is why you are in that damn shed you can't keep that sharp tongue quiet!"

"Tch, no the reason I'm there is because you refuse to sign the contract to have me be your guardian which then will make you the official princess of this country. My language towards you has nothing to do with your stubbornness Takashi."


"Yeah yeah whatever, you aren't a real princess until you sign the contract so you scolding me does nothing to me. So give it a break. Kanato, wanna go somewhere else with me?"

He nodded his head. "Sure."

Serena gave him a small smile before the two of them left. As they did Malta yelled and screamed for Serena to return back to her job, but she didn't listen. Once they got off of the Takashi property she placed her hands in her jean pockets.

"I saw you this morning Kanato...You over heard something didn't you?" Serena asked after a while of silence

"Yes...What did that man mean to you?"

Serena sighed and closed her eyes as she stopped walking which made him stop. She rubbed the back of her head before she looked to him sadly.

"I have to persuade you to be around me more than Malta, but for how things are going Malta is doing that all on her own with her 'all about me' act. If I can get you to at least be in a relationship with me before the year is out my brother won't have to kill me. Mind you it has to be on your own free will that you do this, I can't have an affect on that choic-" She said before he cut her off by kissing her.

She looked to him shocked, she didn't think he'd kiss her again. Even though his lips felt nice against hers, she hadn't kissed anyone before him.

"I don't need to know anymore between the two of you two to know who I need to pick between the two of you. Serena...Will you please be my girlfriend?"

She smiled happily at him before she wrapped her arms around him tightly and nodded her head. "Yes, I'd love that more than anything in the world!"

As she spoke a ring was burnt into both his and her wrist. Kanato winced slightly at first but then Serena kissed him on the lips.

"Sorry about that, now that you're with me the ring that was burnt around your wrist shows the fact that your mine and that I can now no longer be touched by anyone as well as you can't be touched by anyone or they will be burned to ashes." Serena said rubbing the back of her head nervously

He didn't care about it, he cared that she was happy. He pulled her back into him before he kissed her. "I don't care about that stuff. I just want to see you smile."

"Then stay beside me and be mine."

"I think I have no choice now with what just happened." He said with a smile

"True...True. But there is a way to get out of this...and only Malta can break the ring around us." She said with a frown

"I don't care about that bratty girl. I care about you Serena." Kanato said as he held Serena's hand tightly.

"W-Well...I...Alright. You win this time." She said nervously before she continued walking with him.

Be mine~Kanato Sakamaki Love story~Diabolik LoversWhere stories live. Discover now