chapter 7

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Finally Y/N falls asleep, she needs the rest after all the stress her body and mind went trough today.
I couldn´t believe what she told me is true, the whole time I hope someone would shake me awake from this nightmare,
I can´t imagen how cruel her childhood must have been.

Y/N is cuddeld up to me, holding on for dear life, while sleeping, I get a bit cold, so I put a blanket over us both because I don´t want to rist waking her up. It doesn´t take long for me to accidently fall asleep too.

I get woken up by the sound of keys in the lock and the opening of the door. Is Y/N in a realationship she hadn´t told me about?

Somehow I am relieved, when I see Elizabeth in the doorway.
"Hey Flo, you good?", she asks looking confused at us. Careful not to wake Y/N I stand up and gesture Lizzie to follow me into the kitchen.

"Hey Lizzie. I'm good, just worried about Y/N", I tell her sitting down head in my hands.
"What about her, did something happen?", Lizzie wants to know.
"She had quite a bad panic attacke earlier the day ", I reveal for her.
"Did she have a flashback aswell?", she asks worry covering her question. I just nod.
"Flo, I think you should know that Y/N's childhood was not the best and if she's having a flashback, that's really bad. Can you tell me what the flashback was about? "
" I know, Y/N told me about her past with her father. She said her flashback was about her father throwing her into the kitchen cupboard and then pushing her head into hot water while raping her ", I have to force the words to leave my mouth. A knot forming in my throught and tears threatening to spill.
"Fuck!", Lizzie says under her breath.

I hold back the tears, when I see Y/N enter the room. Without saying a word Lizzie holds out her hands, gesturing Y/N to come to her. She directly goes to sit on her lap and hugs her back. Her head nuzzeld into Lizzies neck. I can hear her sniffel while Lizzie tries to calm her down.

"Y/N, I´m really sorry but I need to go home, Tom is waiting for me", I tell her, not really wanting to leave her.
She stands up and pulls me into a tight hug.
"Thank you for staying", she wispers into my ear, giving me a kiss on the cheek. My cheeks turn pink and I only manage to tell her: "For you always!"

My heart aches as I leave Y/N´s house and start my drive home. I´m suprised I get home safe, because I wasn´t really paying attention to the road my head still replaying the events off today.

Not really suprisingly I find Tom already drunk laying on the sofa watching some sportsgame.
"There you are, finally something I can look at. Come here baby, give me a kiss", he slurrs looking me up and down. Great so the night will be short again.
I didn´t bother going near him. The smell of beer is disgusting and so I go to the kitchen to get something to drink.

Tom coms after me screaming at me: "If I tell you to do something you will obey me bitch!!!"
"I´m not gonna obey you, if you treat me like shit", I tell him with a calm voice.
"Where have you even been all day?", he asks full of anger.
"I was with Y/N. Having a problem with that?", I snap at him. He stands there a bit flustered. I want to go out of the kitchen but he grabs my wrist forcefull.

"You little fucking slut are not gonna talk to me like that!", he yells tightening his grip around my wrist.
"Let go of me your hurting me", I whine trying to get out of his grip.
He slaps me in the face and I can feal the bruise forming on my cheek and eye. Tears threaten to spill as fear and panic inside of me grow.

Gladly he lets loose of my whrist, that by now is bruised and hurting. I run into our bedroom and close the door behind me, turning the lock one time. I can hear him getting more drunk in the living room. What is going on I don´t recognise Tom anymore.

Besides what happend with Tom my mind is still wondering how Y/N is right now. All I want to do is to be with her and keep her safe.


I feal shattered after this day. My mind isn´t working the right way and every little noise frightens me to death. I feal bad for Flo that she saw me having a panic attack this bad. Surprising my self, I told her about the trauma my father gave me. Nobody besides Lizzie and the police knew what I've been through, not even my brother knews it till the court day. It felt good to talk to Flo about it. She makes me feel safe and comfortable.

After Flo left Lizzie stayed with me. She told me all about her honeymoon. It made me happy to see her smiling and seeing the love for Robbie in her eyes while she rambled on. We cuddeld the rest of the evening watching TV. Liz than decided to stay overnight. I really appreciated that because I was always afraid after having flashbacks.

I took the next few days of to gather myself and clear my mind. Flo came by after work nearly every day. We talked or cooked together, sometimes we took a walk or just watched a movie enjoying eachothers company.

Two weeks went by and I decided I'm ready to go back to work again. I take a refreshing shower and put my hair up into a messybun. Since it's the middle of september I decide to wear some highwaist jeans a black tight sweater together with my vans. A last look into the mirrow and I am ready to go.

"Hey, you´re back!", Flo screams, pulling me into a hug the moment I arrive at set.
"Jup, I´m finally bossig you around again", I chuckle.
"So you ready for today?", Scarlett asks joining Flo and me on our way to the location of the first scene for today.
"Actually yes. It was good staying home a while but I missed you guys and work", I answere honestly.
Not long after we start filming for the day. It goes well so we have an early lunchbreak. Unfortunately Scar has to pick up Rose because she is ill, so it is just me and Flo.

"So Flo, now tell me how is wedding planing going on?", I ask curios to know when to expect a party.
"On hold I guess", she mumbles looking down on her food.
"Wanna talk about it?", I offer to give her someone who listens.
"It´s not so easy with Tom at the moment. He´s always home, don´t get me wrong I love him for sure but he is not working, just sitting around and watching TV", she tells me reluctantly.
"Have you talked to him about that?", I continue asking. Flo shakes her head no and I can see the fight inside her wheather to tell me something or not.
"I think you should talk to Tom about it, maybe it will help", I advice.
"Thank you Y/N, I will talk to him", she says not really convincingly.
"Okay, lets finish these sandwiches and talk about something more fun", I offer changing the topic.

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