☆ 40. Chapter 40 (4)

Începe de la început

Although the two wore masks, their outstanding temperament still attracted the attention of many passers-by.

The Southern Wind prevails, especially for people from aristocratic families and royal families, and the good of Longyang is a common thing.

Therefore, when they saw the two people behaving intimately, the passers-by did not show the slightest surprise.

When Qin Yu passed by a lantern vendor, he saw a beautifully designed green lotus lantern and couldn't help but take a second look.

Ning Chen stopped when he saw that Qin Yu seemed to be interested in the lantern.

"Boss, how much does this lantern cost?" Ning Chen asked, pointing to the green lotus lantern.

The lantern vendor stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Priceless."

The vendor selling candied haws next to him heard Ning Chen ask the price, so he said to the lantern vendor: "Old He, if you keep pretending to be mysterious, be careful with your lantern." If you can't sell the lanterns,

just throw them into your hands." The lantern vendor said cheerfully: "If you don't meet the right person, it doesn't matter. If you two distinguished guests want this blue lotus lantern, it's not difficult. Just answer my question before the sand in the hourglass runs out."

After that, he took out a small hourglass and put it on the table. The design of this hourglass is different from ordinary hourglasses. The connecting pipe in the middle is very wide, and the fine sand in the hourglass will fall to the bottom in a short time.

When the candied haws vendor saw Boss He taking out the hourglass, he couldn't help complaining: "Old He, please stop making things difficult for others. I've watched you set up this hourglass so many times tonight, but no one can do it within the stipulated time." That's right."

The lantern vendor ignored his complaints and just looked at Ning Chen and Qin Yu: "Two distinguished guests, are you interested in having such a fun?" Qin Yu

originally thought that this green lotus lantern was somewhat in line with Ning Chen's personality. Temperament, I took a few more glances. Now, after being asked this by the lantern vendor, he was determined to get this lantern.

Qin Yu: "You can just ask any question."

The lantern vendor handed Qin Yu a note with a smile, "Only one person can watch the question, and no external assistance is allowed."

After Qin Yu took the note, the hourglass Start countdown.

When Qin Yu saw the problem, his face darkened instantly. What the hell was this?

The question on the note is a riddle poem: "A drunkard walks on the street, carrying a pot to buy wine; when he meets a shop, he doubles the amount, and when he sees a person, he drinks a bucket; when he meets a shop and a person three times, he drinks up the wine in the bottle. Let's ask about wine. How much wine is in the pot?"

Qin Yu just thought about it, and the lantern vendor proudly said, "The time is up. It seems that this guest has no chance to get along with this green lotus lantern."

Qin Yu's brows jumped with anger. , "Boss, don't you think there is something wrong with the design of your hourglass?"

The lantern vendor just smiled cheerfully and did not answer Qin Yu's words.

Ning Chen patted Qin Yu's hand comfortingly, looked at the lantern vendor and said, "Can I answer the question?" The

lantern vendor nodded, "Of course you can. Your honor is welcome."

Ning Chen took the question and blurted it out instantly. "Seven-eighths." Ning Chen didn't know why the answer automatically came to his mind as soon as he saw this question.

When the lantern vendor heard Ning Chen's answer, he was so shocked that he almost knocked over the hourglass on the table.

As soon as Qin Yu saw his reaction, he knew that Ning Chen had got the answer right.

He looked proud: "It seems that the person destined for the green lotus lantern has appeared."

The lantern vendor had just paid attention to the interaction between Qin Yu and Ning Chen, so he knew that the two people had not communicated the problem in advance. And Ning Chen was able to solve this problem so quickly, which really surprised him.

In fact, he didn't plan to sell the lantern, but his wife forced him to sell it. He had no choice but to rack his brains to come up with such a way to embarrass customers, but he didn't expect that he would encounter such a rock as Ning Chen.

The lantern vendor reluctantly took off the green lotus lantern and reluctantly handed it to Ning Chen. He said reluctantly, "Congratulations to the two distinguished guests."

Ning Chen took the lantern and handed it to Qin Yu, "Here, don't you want this lantern?"

Qin Yu was happy He took the lantern and held it carefully in his hand, for fear that someone would bump it.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, if someone gives a lantern to someone else and the other person accepts it, it means that both parties are in love.

Qin Yu also knew that Ning Chen had lost his memory and might not remember the meaning of sending lanterns, but this did not hinder his joy when receiving Ning Chen's lanterns.

The author has something to say: This world is an imaginary one, so everything serves the plot and no research is allowed~

ps: Gugu found the puzzle poem on the Internet~

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