Chapter 1

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American Baddass Undertakers POV

'I always wondered why this had to happen to us' I thought as I rode my motorcycle with my wife riding behind me and my brother was next to us riding his own bike and like always he had that mask of his on. I let out a quiet sight but knowing how things are going we should be at this "hogwarts" soon me and my brother ahould of received these letters a long time ago also I feel like something involving our old names is going to happen soon. What's that you want to know what our old names were? Well mine is Harry James Potter and my brother well his was Cedric Diggory. Now you may be wondering why is my brother wearing a mask well the simple answer is we are elemental wizards the complicated answer...well that's a story for another time (A/N: I know Cedric and Harry are WAY younger then the brothers of destruction so I aged Harry and Cegric up just a bit also making Kane and Undertaker younger in this fic.) Now Here me and my brother riding in the rain. Why are we riding our bikes in the rain well simply put it we got accepted into the quote on quoteost prestigious academy that teaches wizards to harness their magic we also felt something calling us there. After a couple of more minutes of driving we arrived to a castle that looks like it belonged to the medieval ages. We came to a full stop just outside the doors. I pulled out my enchanted phone and called Gred and Forge who switch places playing out manager every once in awhile. After a few moments they answered.

Fred's P.O.V

Well this year is going to be a bust we were just informed that we won't be having quiditch this year so alot of people myself and George included anywho after the other schools entered we were about to est then I feel the phone vibrate. I quickly looked around to see if anyone was paying attention the I answered "hello?" After a few moments I hear "we are rolling in do your magic and cue the music"

A/N: so everyone here's the first chapter of a book I was writing before I lost the account due to me not remembering my log in information but oh well as you can see im getting better at writing, at least I hope I am and I hope you'll enjoy this also I have a few other stories I'm rewriting so keep and eye out for those and I'll see you'll in the next story

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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