Pushing for Change

Start from the beginning

"Still," she whispers, pushing aside the warmth that continues to spread through her body, "He's a pirate; a egoistical, possessive, and above all, dangerous pirate. I can't be associated with him for any longer if I want to preserve the remains of the peaceful life."

With a fierce determination, Scarlet slams the front door shut behind her with a resounding thud, the force of her frustration reverberating through the night. Her abrupt departure had roused one or two neighbors from their slumber, evidenced by the flickering lights in a few nearby windows, but she paid no mind to their startled curiosity.

Walking resolutely through the unrelenting rain, she allows the cold water to slowly seep through her clothes, drenching her to the bone. The icy embrace of the rain did little to quell the fiery anger that blazed within her, and she trudged forward with an unwavering resolve. Each step was a testament to her commitment as she made her way toward the harbor of Orange Town, her destination clear in her mind.

She knows that waiting there, amid the salty sea breeze and turbulent waves is a certain pirate ship. At home, she has a drawing – a simple sketch that captures the essence of that ship and its enigmatic captain. Tonight, she'll finally get to see the ship in its full glory.

On the horizon, the pirate ship gradually comes into view, an imposing presence amid the tranquil expanse of the harbor. It stands out prominently easily distinguishable from the small finishing boats that dot the waters.

As she draws closer, Scarlet can't help but notice two men stationed in front of the ship, serving as vigilant sentinels. Their watchful eyes burn into her, wariness etches across their faces as they grip their pistols firmly, ready to defend their ship and crew if needed.

Drawing nearer still, Scarlet shows no sign of hesitation. Her steps remain steady and resolute as she approaches the guards, determination in her gaze. Without missing a beat, she addresses them with a bold question, her voice steady despite the tension in the air.

"Where is Buggy?" she demands, her tone leaving no room for ambiguity. The men, either recognizing her voice or perhaps simply astounded by her audacity, reluctantly lowered their weapons.

"The captain's asleep, miss," one of them replies, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Scarlet's frustration surges within her, lending her a newfound energy and strength. Without hesitation, she pushes past the guards, determination driving her forward. She couldn't quite explain the wellspring of resolve that had surged within her, but she was grateful for its presence, allowing her to press on without a second thought, leaving her old self behind as she ventured on board the pirate ship.

As Scarlet ascends the deck of the pirate ship, her purpose remains unwavering. She can't help but sense that one of the two guards has followed her on deck, and as she turns around to confront him, she asks with a determined tone, "Where's his cabin?"

The young guard, still unsure if he truly has the authority to divulge such information, resembles a fish out of water as he opens and closes his mouth without words escaping.

With a closer look, Scarlet realizes that this was no man standing before her, but rather a boy, likely no older than sixteen. His youthful features and evident hesitation make it clear that he doesn't wish to get himself into trouble by aiding her in any way.

Recognizing the boy's predicament, Scarlet softens her approach, taking a deep breath before addressing him with greater gentleness. She can't help but feel a touch of pity for the boy. "It's alright," she assures him, her tone offering a measure of empathy. "I'll find him myself."

She points towards a set of two hinged doors that appear to lead below deck. "This way, I assume?"

The boy doesn't answer her, his uncertainty is palpable.

"Thank you," Scarlet offers as a parting sentiment, and with that, she moves toward the indicated doors. Upon pushing them open, she discovers a staircase that descends into the bowels of the ship, leading her deeper within and, she hopes, closer to Captain Buggy.

She descends the staircase below deck, leaving the rain-drenched night behind her. The narrow, dimly lit hallway stretches out before her, its wooden walls adorned with various nautical artifacts, including well-worn ropes, tarnished brass fixtures, and framed maps detailing past voyages.

The hallway near the pirate ship remains mostly shrouded in darkness, with only the sporadic lantern casting its dim, flickering light. However, as Scarlet continues her determined stride, she spots a faint glow seeping from beneath one particular door. The subtle warmth of that light hints at the presence of someone else aboard the ship who, like her, seems to be restless and sleepless on this night.

Intrigued, Scarlet makes her way closer, her footsteps echoing softly in the confined space. As she approaches the door from which the light emanates her eyes fall upon a gleaming brass nametag affixed to the wall beside it. The inscription on the tag reveals the occupant of the room: Captain's Cabin.

The revelation sends a shiver down her spine, as she realizes that she is standing before Captain Buggy's quarters. The very thought of confronting the enigmatic pirate captain fills her with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

Scarlet hesitates only briefly, however, before she reaches out the door, knowing that if she'll allow her mind to rethink her actions, she'll turn around and return home unsatisfied. She takes a moment to gather herself, steadying her racing heart. Then, with a sense of purpose, she raises her hand and raps gently but firmly on the wooden door.

The knock resounds through the room beyond, a clear and deliberate sound that breaks the silence of the captain's private sanctuary.

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