"I also see that congratulations are in order to you as well you did take home a couple awards tonight yourself" Taylor elbowed the brunette next to her causing her laugh and nod

"A few maybe" y/n joked as the two continued to sip on their drinks.

Everyone around the two however couldn't believe their eyes. Not only were they sitting next to each other but they genuinely appeared to be enjoying their time together.

As the night progressed two singers were going shot for shot downing drinks after drinks and even began dancing with each other.

"The whiskey here sucks" y/n groaned sipping from her cup as Taylor raised her eyebrow and grabbed the cup from the smaller girls hand as she took a sip to see for herself

"God that's horrible" Taylor said making a face causing the brunette to laugh, "Hey You wanna head to my place I have this sick bottle of whiskey it's 1 of 15 and it's the best thing on the planet" Taylor drunkenly suggested as the slightly shorter girl shrugged

"Sure this place is kind of dead anyways" y/n shrugged

The two went out the back way making sure they weren't spotted and quickly made it to Taylor's house with out being spotted

"Nice place" y/n mumbled as Taylor said a quick thanks pulling the girl to her in-home bar grabbing two glasses and the bottle she was talking about

"Shut up" y/n said dramatically as she placed her hand over her heart grabbing the bottle from Taylor's hands

"I was trying to get one of these bottles for years, how'd you get it" y/n said as Taylor laughed before shrugging

"I know people" Taylor said causing the two to drunkenly laugh as y/n handed Taylor the bottle back

"You know you're not that bad y/n" Taylor said hiding her smirk by drinking out her glass

"Same to you swift" y/n said as she set her glass down and before the two knew they were both leaning in at the same time and kissed. It was as if they were watching a firework show. Sparks flew and electricity ran through their bodies

Y/n deepened the kiss causing Taylor to moan and kiss back. Soon both pulled apart for air

"that was" y/n trailed off

"yeah" Taylor spoke cutting her off before engulfing her in a kiss again

"Take me upstairs" was all Taylor managed to get out as y/n pulled away "lead the way" . Taylor quickly got up and pulled y/n upstairs as she closed the door to her bedroom once the two were in

Taylor pushed y/n against the door attacking her neck as y/n began taking off her dress.

"Darling that's not how this is going to go" y/n smirked before picking Taylor up as her legs instantly wrapped around the brunettes as y/n laid Taylor on the bed hovering over her.

Y/n helped the blonde out of her black dress

"are you sure"y/n asked as Taylor nodded

"Please just fuck me already" Taylor said as y/n nodded as she left a trail of kisses down from Taylor's lips all the down her body to the inside of her thigh.

"Don't tease" Taylor huffed causing y/n to chuckle

Skip the next morning

The two girls were tangled in each other, legs intertwined and arms wrapped around one another.

Y/n began to stir as he eyes fluttered open squinting as the light that shines through the curtains of the unknown room.

Y/n looked around and soon gasped as she recognized the girl next to her as she instantly began to get dressed causing Taylor to groan as she woke up Stunned at the person in front of her. Both girls got flash's of the events that took place as memories came back.

"Oh my god, we totally hooked up" y/n whispered shocked running a hand through her hair, grabbing a sheet a to cover her self as Taylor felt a light pang to her heart at the way y/n said that.

"This can't happen again." Y/n said quickly locking eyes with Taylor as Taylor looked at her puzzled

"What do you mean?" Taylor questioned, she found herself having feelings for the brunette in front of her

"Taylor, last was great and all but you hate me and not to mention you just got out of a relationship a long term one at that, I don't think you're ready to jump into something new. Not to mention you hate me so" y/n explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Okay first of all I don't hate you, you hate me! second of all, I'm over Joe I already told you this last night. Y/n we actually had a good time last night and I'm not just talking about us hooking up... we actually had fun together" Taylor said as y/n shook her head

"Taylor we were both drunk and I doubt your over him you were so indulged in that guy. Taylor I've been where you are now. Not to mention I only hated you because you hated me." Y/n argued back as Taylor shook her head

"Y/n I have never hated you, I only acted like that because you did. Joe and I have been over for almost half a year now and I've already had a a rebound...a few actually...I feel something for you and I know you feel what I felt last night" Taylor defended as y/n shook her head.

"I acted that way because the first time I officially met you, all you did was glare at me the whole time. I get you fresh off your break up with Joe Jonas but I wasn't interested in him. Then when you came over you were sort of rude to us. So I treated you how you treated me there wasn't any hate Taylor, you just got back what you gave out" y/n said as Taylor's eyes went wide as she laughed

"Y/n I wasn't glaring at you. I was glaring at him. I've always had the biggest crush on you. I was only rude because I was jealous my ex had your attention, I was so envious of him for that. I never once meant for that to be projected on to you." Taylor explained as y/n's face softened

"You liked me this whole time" y/n said barley above a whisper as Taylor nodded

"Yeah I can even find one of my old journals somewhere around here, i hate to admit I wrote about you and my crush on you. As embarrassing and weird that might be, I really did have a crush on you...I still have that crush" Taylor admitted as y/n tried to fight back a small smile but ultimately failed.

"I can't believe we wasted so much time over this" y/n laughed shaking her head as Taylor nodded in agreement

"So will you please go on a date with me, unless you don't feel the same then I understand" Taylor nervously asked as y/n nodded

"I'd love to" y/n smiled as Taylor had a face eating grin getting up and walking over to y/n placing her hand on the brunettes face

"May I" Taylor whispered as y/n nodded and the two shared a passionate kiss

After hiding their relationship for 3 months the two were soon out on very public dates causing the world to go into a frenzy. At first people didn't believe it and others claimed to have known the whole time but reality soon set in after 4 years laters the pair got married and began to start their family one that would go down in history as the most iconic pop couple for generations to come.

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