Jobs, New Jobs, New People

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Arms are tucked snug against torsos. The air cold and damp. Street lights illuminate just enough to maneuver while they simultaneously prevent identities from being obscured. This is a safety net. A tool to use.

A tool for what?

A deal.

A dance of the criminals, desperate, lonely, young. No words need to be spoken. That is if everything goes as it should.

How should it go?


An alley, street, and time is discussed. Those involved meet. The buyer first, then the dealer. It happens quick, smooth.
A fast walk past each other, slight of hand to exchange items. As if no interaction had occurred.
Maybe a meet up at a bar as 'friends.' Items exchanged through a hand shake. A trip to the restroom. A hug before leaving.

The method of keeping the secret and getting what you want needs to be thorough. Someone gets money, someone gets drugs. That's how it should be.

Sometimes people choose the wrong dealers. The dealers affiliated with gangs.
Not all gangs deal drugs. Some are given that title wrongfully.
But others do to keep the lights on, food on the table. Other times there's no real reason. Control? Pocket money? Who knows.

In order to keep the secret, get what's wanted, death or injury is involved. Occasionally, a member of an opposing gang will be kidnapped. This is most often because that gang is decreasing the sales of another. By taking a member, the other gang is forced to cease operations to get them back.
That is if the members are valued.

I know of the death, injury, and kidnapping side of deals all too well. As did my brother.

That's part of my job.

I do the dirty work alongside other responsibilities.

If I had the choice I would be gone. I wouldn't be in a gang. But I don't. Right now this is the way it needs to be for my survival.

I understand why Chan left without me. There is no time when I am completely alone outside of the restroom. Even then, there's no windows in them.

"Leave the mask, you're shadowing Lucy" Mr. Jay commands, standing in the doorway to the lit hall.

I drop the mask, walking to follow him without question.

This happens sometimes. They pull me from my consistent positions to teach me something else. Once they've deemed me trained enough, what I was taught gets added to my jobs and I'm put in rotation.

I walk a step behind him silently. There's no use in asking questions, questions get punished. He will inform me when he wants to.

His voice is monotone, rumbling through my ears as a falling boulder would, "Lucy is going to train you on extracting information from people. I expect to hear you've been compliant and useful."

"Yes sir" I mumble emotionless.

There's no use in showing emotions either. Emotions get punished.

"Ah Jay! You've brought the shitling, perfect timing" a woman who I'm assuming is Lucy says, disgust evident as she snarls my nickname.

I fight to restrain my eye roll. Attitude is no place here. I'm not at their level. I don't get the same respect, therefore I cannot display my distaste.

"Yes my love, anything for you," he kisses her cheek, "take as long as you need just make sure to send her to her next rotation with an escort."

"As you wish" she responds, smiling brightly at him.

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