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,, Raz, kedysi dávno, žil v malom mestečku Reedland, chlapec, ktorý sa volal Jason. Ale, nebol to obyčajný chlapec. Bol to chlapec s veľkým srdcom a osudom popretkávaným drsnými pádmi. Mal veľa priateľov, ktorí tu pri ňom stáli, neustále.
No tentokrát, si pre neho osud pripravil, scela inú skúšku.
Je to príbeh, odvahy, lásky a priateľstva, ale bez šťastného konca.
Lebo ešte nemal čas aby ho napísal.

Až doteraz...

Once upon a time
far, far away, in the small town Reedland, there lived one boy, who's name's Jason.
But he wasn't an ordinary boy.
It was the boy with a huge heart and the destiny, full of rough falls.
He had lots of friends, who were they for him, no matter what. However, this is difderent kind of story.
It's an enchanting story, full of courage, love and friendship, but one whithout happily ever after.
Because he has not been able to write the ending.

Until now...

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