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Abuja, Nigeria.
January, 2022.

She sees the world as a whirlwind. In a world where people are riding in high speed with no intentions of stepping on their anchors. Heedlessly spilling dirt and toxicity all around her. People faking and not showing their true selves and personalities. Rather, trying so hard to match up with the trend.

Everyone's self centered. Its always me, myself and I. Smiling, which used to be her favorite thing to do, is now the toughest and most exhausting thing, ever. The world putting in way too much effort to be the trending topic on Twitter. This era where beauty is learned through YouTube tutorials and instagram reels. Fluffy eyebrows, contoured noses, winged liners, green diet. Suicide, rape, murder, insecurities.

All these were never a part of the world she wished to live in. She never chose to be a hybrid of Nigeria and only God knows the nationality of her mother either. She never chose to suddenly lose her father in a fire outbreak or to be left alone with the responsibility of her 3 sisters. With all, she was drowning in gratitude and contentment.

Alhamdulillah was all that she uttered.

Her late father, Dr Salman selflessly dedicated his time, voice, and heart into helping the world see light. Against all odds, his family, his traditions and his responsibilities. He was such a regal, principled and profoundly generous man with a pure heart.

As the crown prince of Wasai, a small town in Northern Nigeria, he had everything he ever wanted and more. However, he was never satisfied. He only gained peace and satisfaction in helping people in his small clinic and serving humanity with his philanthropy works.

His close circle consisting of his dad and patients, private life, happy heart and a clear mind was enough for him that he never felt the need to get a life partner, or rather he was being too picky or immaturely waiting for the right click.

He debated everyday with his mother and the royal council about his marriage, getting an heir and taking up his royal responsibilities as the next king. However, he always managed to win and run away from their chides. Royalty and riches had never tickled him in the right spot.

As years went by, Dr Salman found a sack discarded by the road side in the outskirts of his town. As he opened the sack, he found an almost lifeless woman, in a questionable condition no lady should be in.

After series of arguments with his family on keeping an abandoned stranger, he was finally allowed to take her in.

He discovered that she was sexually harassed. The dried bruises on her face, arm and body indicated that she was punched or beaten with seemingly hard objects.

He treated her, nurtured her and helped her heal - in the process they developed an affection for each other. She recovered fully but remembered nothing from her past.

Her golden brown complexion, extremely long braids and impeccable features made Salman to name her Hilwa, meaning beautiful.

Turning deaf ears to everyone else, Salman married Hilwa and she birthed 4 beautiful girls.

It was such a taboo, an abominable act for Salman to marry a stranger and make her the queen in waiting. For that, he was stripped off his title, publicly humiliated and was no longer regarded as a member of the royal family.

That paved way for ill treatment, torment and harassment by the town members to Salman and his family. Owing to that, Salman sold all his remaining assets and sent his first daughter, Hindatu to a high prestige boarding school in Abuja. She completed her primary and secondary school.

Only her got the chance to be educated. Life was tough but love was enough for Salman, Hilwa and their daughters. They were happy, grateful and at peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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