"What you looking at?" Harry asked with his eyes still closed and voice groggy. He put his hand out and touched her face without even opening an eye, stroking her cheek gently as she leant into the touch. Imi went to talk but was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. She immediately turned around, frantically whispering to Harry to move and hide and do something. He stared at her, sleep still present in his eyes as he looked incredibly confused. Imi didn't hesitate, she connecter her hands to his chest and pushed him off the bed, a thump sounding through the room as he hit the floor.

"Stay down" she whispered trying to hold back her laughs as Harry was clearly utterly bamboozled by the whole situation. She quickly pulled on her baggy top and got under the duvet before yelling to whoever was on the other side of the door "Come in."

"Ims, have you seen Boggo?" Ethan asked and genuinely looked concerned as he looked for his friend. "He never came to bed last night and none of us have seen him" he added with more worry and to Imi its not so bad because she knows exactly where he was last night, but to the boys, he's fully missing.

"He probably fell asleep on the sofa and then went out to get a coffee this morning- or something" she said trying to be sincere but her words were a mess and Ethan gave her the weirdest look before nodded, blinking a few times and slowly walking out. As soon as the door clicked shut, Imi rushed to Harry and pulled him up. She was a little shocked at the fact he was still stark naked and immediately tried dressing him.

"What- what are you doing?" Harry asked very confused as he willingly let Imi dress him, not sure why, just letting her do her thing.

"You are going to go get coffee" she said as she went to push him out a door in her room that led to the deck where he could sneak around the house unnoticed. I- huh? I don't even know where- Imi interrupted him too quickly "go to the main road go left and keep walking, you will eventually find a little cafe where you can buy coffee" she said sweetly as she opened the door and pushed him out with his phone, "don't be long" she added with an innocent smile. Harry stood there for a second, a bit confused before turning around and going to walk away.

"Good morning" freezy said with a smirk as he walked past Harry, using the side deck as a short cut to the back. I- Harry was honestly lost for words. "my mouth is sealed" he said with a laugh as he rounded the corner.

After about 15 minutes, Harry was back with a latte and Imi was in the living room laughing with Tobi when he walked through the door, he looked nervous but was trying to play it off as he drank his coffee.

"Y'right mate?" Harry said taking a sip, Tobi stared at him for a second, not saying anything, the silence being way too loud.

"Where the fuck were you?! You weren't in bed when we all woke up and none of us could find you?!" He almost yelled, clearly annoyed that Harry had disappeared and hadn't told anyone where he was. Suppose in their heads they aren't in a country they are used to and could easily get lost - the fact they aren't familier with it can be scary.

"I- I went to get a coffee, early morning walk you know" Harry mumbled, words not morphing together properly as he felt bad for lying to his friend, making him worry. "I'm sorry" Harry added as he looked down, feeling guilty. Imi felt bad, it's not his fault this happened.

"Tobi, leave it, he's safe, it's fine" Imi said as she nudged her friends shoulder, she can see it's stressing Harry out, and Tobi probably can too but might be too blinded for his annoyance towards the lad. He disappeared without a word! He- Tobi looked at Imi and then at Harry who were sharing looks back and fourth and looking at Tobi with guilt and it clicked, like a penny finally dropping.

"Oh shit!" He yelled as he jumped up and stood on the sofa, arms in the air as he put his hands on his head in shock. "Oh shit! No way!" He carried on and Imi was quick to pull his leg and yank him back onto the sofa, telling him to shut the fuck up as Harry turned red. "No wonder no one could find you- could of fucking said" he said with a smile but it disappearing as the annoyance resurfaced. "Could of saved us so much worry dickhead" he added with a light chuckle as he lightly hit Harry's shoulder.

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