New Challengers(3)

Start from the beginning

The very air around them seemed to tremble as Gustang's shinsu met the eerie tune head-on. The discordant clash created shockwaves that rippled through the desolation of the Ark of Knowledge.

Gustang's resolve was unyielding, his mastery of shinsu unmatched. With each note of the boy's flute, he countered with calculated strikes, seeking to unravel the source of this mysterious power.

The boy, despite his youthful appearance, displayed a formidable control over the flute, his expression unwavering. It was a battle of wills, an intricate dance of forces beyond the comprehension of ordinary beings.

As the confrontation raged on, it became clear that Gustang was not just fighting to protect his knowledge but also to unravel the enigma of the boy's flute and the ominous tune it carried. The fate of the Ark of Knowledge hung in the balance, and Gustang was determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost. "Shen Yeonwoo... That's who I am and I'll be seeing you quite alot I hope.",he introduced himself.

6th Ranked: Black Reaper

Shen Yeonwoo


The revelation of the boy's name, Shen Yeonwoo, hung in the air like an unanswered question. Gustang's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. Shen Yeonwoo, the wielder of that mysterious flute, was a name he hadn't expected to encounter.

But before Gustang could delve deeper into the implications of this encounter, a colossal thunderclap shattered the fragile calm that had settled in the aftermath of their battle. Lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the surroundings in an eerie glow.

And just as suddenly as he had appeared, Shen Yeonwoo vanished, leaving Gustang standing alone amidst the devastation. A sense of unease settled in Gustang's heart, a nagging doubt that refused to be ignored. "Eduan?" Gustang muttered to himself, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "No. That can't be right."

Gustang's son, Bellerir, looked puzzled and concerned as he asked, "Father, why would Eduan do something like this?"

Gustang sighed, shaking his head. "It can't be Eduan," he replied, his tone resolute. "The thought had crossed my mind, but it doesn't align with his usual behavior. Eduan is unpredictable, yes, but not destructive in this manner."

He paused, considering the possibilities. "No, this feels like the work of someone very close to Eduan. Perhaps one of his numerous Khun Family descendants. You know how vast his lineage is, Bellerir. It could be one of his own children, or even a member of the Khun Family with their own motives."

Bellerir nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. The Khun Family was known for its intricate web of relationships and rivalries, and the Tower was a place where allegiances could shift like the wind.

As Gustang and Bellerir stepped out of the wreckage of the Ark of Knowledge, they were met with a scene of utter devastation. The once-hallowed halls of knowledge lay in ruins, and the remnants of the scholars' pursuit of enlightenment were reduced to rubble.

Gustang's expression darkened as he surveyed the destruction, a storm of emotions churning within him. It was a grim reminder of the power unleashed by Shen Yeonwoo and the mysterious flute.

"Hide," Gustang commanded, his voice low and filled with urgency. He knew that their presence here was no longer safe, and whoever had orchestrated this massacre might still be lurking nearby.

Bellerir's request for more information was abruptly interrupted by an extraordinary event. Above them, a torrential downpour of Shinsu, tinged with a mesmerizing shade of purple, cascaded from the heavens. It was a phenomenon that defied explanation, an unknown force of immense power.

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