Chapter 4-Proper care

Start from the beginning

You picked up the brush again "Isn't that much better?" you smile, then very cautiously take a step forward. Huggy did not move, he didn't even seem angry. You assume that since you haven't hurt him yet and respected him enough to make the terrible people leave, that he trusts you enough to approach. One foot after the other you then get arms length away from him and reach your hand out "Let me show you that it won't hurt" you gripped the hairbrush tighter in your other hand a bit afraid that any moment he could snap, you are still a worker here after all.... He looks at your hand almost confused, not very much understanding what you mean by your words. Until he slowly lifts up his hand like he has no bones in his arm and places his mitten like yellow hand on yours, his movements still shaky as he hopes that he is not making a mistake by trusting you so quickly.

You let out a breath like you have held your own breath for hours, and slowly and carefully start to brush the blue fur on his arm. The tangles and dried blood made it difficult but not at all painful to the giant toy, Huggy watches your movements seeing as you have kept to your promise of not hurting him. It takes countless minutes to brush away all the tangles on his arm and eventually the other arm, he refused to let you near his head or the bowtie around his neck that still contains the shock collar... So you gave him the brush "You keep it ok?" you offered, figuring he knows the gist and can do it on his own without the worry of you going near his shock collar. "If they end up taking it ill bring back another one" you continued and for the 1st time ever, he nodded acknowledging your words like he knew what you are saying now.

"You did great today" you pridefully spoke, like a parent seeing their child win a blue ribbon at a competition. He had shown incredible progress and maybe, you could be someone he can finally trust in this twisted place.

The doctors activated the poppy gas and opened the door again after Huggy has fallen asleep, you wandered out on your own this time before assistance helped almost falling on the floor by how weak you feel. The ringing in your ears also did not help, as the doctors who are speaking to you are muffled and short worded. At least it wasn't a loud lecture like last time... When your hearing came back the main doctor says "I will have to talk to Mr. Pierre as soon as possible. You will come back tomorrow to see our newest experiment.... See if you are able to make it obey better" he says before walking away... Another experiment? A newer one? What about Huggy? He still needs you... But you can't argue with them either.

Let's hope that things will go well tomorrow and the next coming days...


Greetings valued playtime co. employee, please enter your name and password to login.

Username:Eddie M.N. Ritterman


Logging in...

Hello Mr. Ritterman, how can i be able to assist?

Command/Open/Huggy experiment reports

Opening/Huggy experiment reports...

Please make a selection





Opening/Report 3....

"Report date: 5/19/1994

subject: Experiment-1170 'Huggy Wuggy'

Doctor: (Y/n) (L/n)

1170 has been showing incredible improvement during Dr. (L/n) care, he has been shown to act less hostile to staff and no longer escapes after last incident in 92. Shows maximum obedience and increased intelligence and after many years finally is able to speak.

If Dr. (L/n) keeps this up. I may even ask Mr. Pierre to extend their stay at this company for a few more years"


Command/Open/Escape incident 12

Opening/Escape incident 12

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