Stars Belong To The World.

Comenzar desde el principio

He had been there too many times to count, and a small percentage was when a mission was involved.

No, I won't dance again,

He had only liked coming back because of the performances they would host.

No, I won't dance again

When the song ended, everyone that had been dancing drifted apart. While others stayed on the floor,

Others tended to their significant others and others with their illegal business.

"Watch as I wait" The speakers called out. It seemed like the show would soon start because of the loud cheers that soon began to follow.

The brunette remained silent, sipping the drink he held and ignoring the woman that fanned over him, desperate for his attention.

"Celebrating 22,"

Nothing had been presented besides the beats of whoever sang the song. The strobe lights flashed ever so slowly and the colored lights had completely shut off. In fact everything seemed to hush.

"If I don't  then I'm a psycho,"

The only thing that has stopped him from moving was the beating of his heart. He had wished the stench of pot that wafted off the people around him had stopped. He had found it crazy that even the hissing of pop had stopped. He had then realized how much he hated the serenity. The fuss would always engulf him from his lethal heart..

"Tell me again ,"

She went by suki and she wore the most dazzling outfit.

A top full of pearls and a mini that would be almost exact if the hem hadn't had hanging beads attached to it and no larva whatsoever.

"Like you've never even been,"

She had hair that was as dark as the heavens and eyes that had more power than the gods themselves.

She looked around his age, around the same height, and if not taller.

She was captivating, Lucient.

"If I don't then I'm a psycho, "


A kiss on the forehead,

"Ah I see that you caught your eyes on her," A man shouted to him. He had looked rather drunk and appearance wise out of it.

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