Booze-Fueled Confidence

Start from the beginning

Puzzled and somewhat hurt by the alleged mockery, Scarlet can't help but voice her skepticism. "Why would I make fun of your nose?" she asks, her tone betraying genuine curiosity and a hint of caution. Clearly, this topic touches a nerve for Buggy.

"Why?" Buggy responds, his voice softens as Scarlet offers a gentle, reassuring smile. "Because everybody does."

"Well, I don't," she tells him with sincerity, attempting to mend the emotional rift that has unexpectedly sprung up between them. Still, Buggy crosses his arms defensively, remaining unconvinced by her words.

With a skeptical huff, he retorts, "That doesn't mean you haven't thought about it. That's the first thing people notice about me."

Scarlet shakes her head in disagreement, prompting Buggy to arch an eyebrow. Encouraged to elaborate, she speaks candidly, fueled by the effects of the alcohol they've been consuming. "The first I noticed was your eyes," she confesses, her voice laced with a hint of vulnerability. "When I stood up from the crowd, your blue eyes fixed on me. At first, I thought you might kill me on the spot."

As Scarlet recounts her first encounter with Buggy, he listens intently. His heart throbs with sorrow as she confesses that she initially believed he had murderous intent the first time their gazes met. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

He vividly recalls that moment when the spotlight bathed her in its radiance, and he found himself utterly entranced by her beauty. His emotions were so overpowering that he struggled to keep his jaw from dropping wide open.

However, before Buggy can interject with his own thoughts, Scarlet continues her story. "But then it changed," she goes on, her eyes locking onto his, searching for the same glimmer in his blue orbs that have once captivated her. "You looked curious, and your eyes began to shimmer and shine, reflecting the spotlight."

Their gaze remains locked, a subtle connection forming as they revisit the pivotal moment of their first encounter. "Still, I was rather nervous when I actually had to go up on stage," she admits with a playful giggle, eager to explore another facet of their memorable meeting.

Buggy doesn't hesitate to confess, "I could tell." A mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "I thought you looked rather cute back then." This compliment sends a wave of crimson across Scarlet's cheeks, a reaction that the clown pirate obviously notices. However, he decides not to comment on her blush, opting to instead to continue teasing her in a light-hearted manner.

"You looked scared, which I'm used to seeing, but at the same time, I thought it was really adorable how you tried to hide it and act all tough and brave when you were obviously on the brink of tears." This comment earns him a playful shove from Scarlet, her laughter mixing with his own.

In an attempt to ease the rapid pounding of her heart, Scarlet reaches for the bottle of alcohol, her fingers grasping it tightly before she lifts it to her lips and takes a generous swing. After the fiery liquid spills down her throat, she lowers the bottle and carefully places it on the ground beside her.

"Now," she begins, her voice tinged with a playful tone, leaning in closer to the pirate seated beside her, "allow me to take a closer look at your face, and I'll tell you what I think of your nose." She can't help but tease, fully aware that the topic is a sensitive one for him.

Buggy's initial reaction hints at his readiness to tell her off, but his words get stuck in his throat as he abruptly notices how close Scarlet's face is to his own. Their breath mingles, and her nose is dangerously close to touching his own.

Scarlet notices the subtle tension in Buggy's reaction, his throat bobbing as he swallows, indicating that her proximity has some effect on him. In that charged moment, their faces mere inches apart, the atmosphere between them crackles with an unexpected tension.

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