"Who's he Haibara?" Nobara questioned. "He's like that crazy older brother who either sits in his room all day or spends all his hours at the gym, he's annoying" Yukari huffed

"He's your brother?" Nobara questioned
"No, we're like brothers!" Todo cheered
"Wait who's the older brother because I think it should be me" Yukari stated having given up on getting todo to stop calling her brother

"Why are you more worried about that more than the fact he called you his brother?" Megumi mumbled

"Fushiguro was it?" Todo said carefully analysing Megumi, almost as if he was waiting to attack him

"Tell me...what kind of woman is your type?" todo said as he slowly raised his fists, indicating to everyone there he wanted a fight reminding megumi about one of the first conversations he had with Fikile

"What?" Megumi said glancing at Yukari who wore a tired expression and Todo who looked like he was ready to kill him depending on his answer

"Depending on your answer, I'll beat you half to death right here and drag okkotsu or at least the third year's out to the exchange event!" todo yelled ripping off his shirt

"Why ruin a good shirt? I know you can't afford anymore you broke bitch, always spending your money on that idol bullshit" Yukari scoffed

"Shut up Yukari"  Todo who gave her a glare retorted causing her to throw nobaras carton at his face

"Personally, My type is a tall woman with a fat ass" todo said with a delirious face

"Why do I have to talk about my type in women with a guy I just met?" Megumi questioned as he tilted his head to the side

"Exactly, that's an extreme feat for an anti social guy like him" Nobara says pointing at megumi
"I bet he's shitting himself right now" Yukari added

"Can you two shut up?" Megumi sighed

"Kyoto third year Todo Aoi" todo said "Introductions Over, now we're friends, hurry up and answer."

"I can't lie todo, I don't even think he likes girls like that" Yukari yawned as both nobara and megumi gave her confused looks

"You're not helping Haibara! And what the hell are you on about??" Megumi barked. "You do?!" Yukari gasped
"Oh for real?" Todo said

"If you prefer men that's fine too" Todo added

"A person's fetishes reflect everything about them. People with boring taste in women are boring people" Todo explained

"And I hate boring men" the man said with a serious face

"Leave him alone todo, just wait until the exchange event I don't want to see your nonsense right now" Yukari said kissing her teeth as Todo shook his head in a child like manner

"As an act of kindness ill let you off only half dead right now." todo said

"Answer me fushiguro. What kind of woman is your type?"

"Is this some kind of joke" Megumi groaned as Todo looked at him intensely

"Is that your summer uniform? Ticks me off but it's nice" nobara said to Mai

Megumi paused for a second before answering Todo's question

"I don't have a particular preference, as long as they have an unshakable character I couldn't ask for more"

"Not a bad answer, if you had said something like big boobs I would've killed you" nobara commented

"Shut up" megumi sighed
"It is quite respectable, I'd like a man with the same values as you" Yukari said sneaking in the last bit as megumi found himself at a loss for word

𝙊𝙉 & 𝙊𝙉 | 𝙈.𝙁𝙐𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙂𝙐𝙍𝙊 𝙓 𝙊𝘾Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon