447 14 6

"From the start"

⚠️child abuse | harsh language (not cuss words) ⚠️


"The haunted house looks great so far." Y/n said to Jungwon who was looking at the haunted house beside her

"We worked really hard for this. Of course it looks good." Jungwon laughed and so did y/n, just then some men in black suits came into the school

"Your not allowed in here!" The security guard yelled but the men kept walking

"Sir Jungwon," one of the 4 men spoke, "Mr Yang, your father is asking for you at home."

Jungwon's eyes grew wide, he knew what that meant, his father will either give him the biggest beating of his life, or the biggest scolding of his life. None of those were what Jungwon wanted

"Huh? But school isn't even over? Can't your dad wait?" Y/n asked then glared at the men in the suits

"Love, I have to go now." Jungwon spoke softly, "if I don't pick up your calls.. well, I'll explain later." Jungwon said and placed a quick kiss on y/n's lips

"Oh ok..." y/n mumbled and watched as Jungwon walked away with the men. She tried to shrug off the worried feeling, but that feeling came over her nonetheless

"I have to go now! Bye girls!" One of the students said

Y/n looked closely at the student leaving, her long hair and her sharp eyes, it was for sure, Kate.

Jungwon just left but, y/n already wanted to call him to check if he was alright


Jungwon arrived at the penthouse his dad owned, one of his dads many buildings.

He slowly walked into the house. Maids opened the doors for him as he stepped inside

"Ah my son!" Mr Yang said with a wide smile plastered on his face, it didn't take a genius to know that smile was absolutely fake.

Jungwon looked over to the dinner table and there was Kate and her family, all sitting there and smiling at him, especially Kate.

He pulled his chair and sat down at the table

"Thank you Mr Yang for letting us have dinner with you" Kates father said across the table

"Anytime!" Mr Yang replied, "what did you want to talk about?"

Jungwon tried avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room, he knew this conversation is all about him anyways

"Well you know that we planned our children to marry one another.." Kates father spoke, "Kate recently told me that she saw Jungwon dating a girl, can you confirm that Mr Yang?"

Mr Yang's eyes went wide, he glared at Jungwon with cold eyes. Then his face went red from embarrassment

"Oh no! I think you got it wrong, Jungwon has a lot of girls that are his friends!" He laughed, "you know how popular my son is.."

It was always you | Jungwon ffحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن