2. Deathlag

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"What did you just do?!" Kidou exclaimed in utter shock. He excused himself and dragged Gouenji with him, leaving Kira to wait.

"Are you out of your mind?!" He rebuked Gouenji as soon as they were alone.

"I know, I know! But I couldn't let her go again. " Gouenji clutched his forehead in panic.

"You didn't turn her back within a minute. You know what this means right?" Kidou said in a grave voice.

"That someone just died in her place? That I just killed someone for her? Yes I know!!" Gouenji said in a distressed voice.

Seeing him spiral, Kidou didn't press him any further.

"Well, it's done. " He said calmly now, "I just hope she likes you back. "


They returned to the casket room where Kira was waiting for them. She smiled when she saw Gouenji again and his heart felt an absolute calm wash over it.

"What the hell is going on?" She stressed.

"You should sit down for this. " Kidou answered.

He proceeded to explain everything that had transpired including Gouenji's role in all of it, only leaving out the part of someone else dying in her place. Kira was taken aback but given her surroundings, she felt inclined to believe them.

"I can't believe I died!" She suddenly began crying loudly, "How can this happen? I am so young and I'm always careful. And this is what I get in return. "

She fell down on the floor and bawled unattractively. After a few moments, Kidou interrupted again.

"I know you're upset but can you do this later? We need to get out of here. "

"Where would I go? Everyone thinks I'm dead. " She spoke in a distorted voice.

"You can stay with me. " Gouenji finally broke his silence after a long time catching everyone by surprise.

"Are you sure?" She looked up at him.

"Of course! I feel like I'm partially responsible for your situation. "

"Partially?" Kidou muttered as he raised a brow.

"Okay. I'll come with you. Help me get up. " She extended her hand towards Gouenji.

"No, I can't. "

"Oh, I get it! Because if you touched me I'll die again. Gotta remember that!" She patted her forehead like she was stuffing the information in there.

She then turned towards Kidou, "You can help me right? C'mon, be a gentleman. "

"Sure. " He obliged.

"Thank you. " Kira spoke politely when she stood up.

Seeing this, Gouenji realised he had landed himself into great turmoil and it was already proving to be hard for him to bear. He wanted to be the one to help her, he wanted to be the one to take care of her.


The little bell chimed as Gouenji opened the door to the pie shop, letting Kira and Kidou in.

Kira looked around in awe at the quaint bakery.

"I never expected this from you. I must say I'm pleasantly surprised. " She turned towards Gouenji and exclaimed loudly.

He looked away shyly.

"Kira!" She turned around towards the enthusiastic voice.

"Endou! You remember me?" She exclaimed, delighted.

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