She took a deep breath as it's been a long since she went outside, the disinfectant smell of the hospital made her feel nauseous. She rubbed her arms weakly upon feeling the morning breeze.

While walking, she lost the track of time. She couldn't help but think about how she ended up at this place. She was looking down, deep in thoughts about how and why she became Xie Ming and not someone else.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize a pair of eyes that were staring at her from afar, observing her every action.

Liwei who was done with his workout, came to check on her in the garden when he found out that she is still in the garden. She recently got discharged and it's not good for her health.

'This girl has been discharged from the hospital recently and was roaming in the garden rather than taking rest. Is she planning to get sick again? It hasn't been that long since she woke up from the coma, rather than roaming around without anyone's help, she should be resting in her bed.' He pursed his lips in a thin line seeing how careless she was being against herself.

When he arrived in the garden, he saw Xie Ming walking in the garden, deep in thoughts.

His eyes fixated on her as he saw her strolling in the garden with her head down, her black hair covering half of her face. Her hands were elegantly placed on her stomach as she took every step with cautiousness. She was not hurried in her steps, it was slow and elegant.

She looked beautiful and mysterious from afar while walking in the garden while wearing a white dress.

However, he frowned when he noticed that she was wearing the same white dress as she wore yesterday. Doesn't she have any other clothes? Why didn't she changed them till now?'


The white dress was about her knee-length. Zhao Ming doesn't want to wear Xie Ming's other clothes as they were too short and colorful for her taste.

She felt strange in those skin exposing clothes. So she found a white plain dress in her wardrobe that was hidden in her wardrobe.

She wanted to change this dress in the night but when she saw her nightdress, her eyes widened in shock.

Xie Ming's night pajamas were lace satin pajamas with shorts. It was extremely short which was too uncomfortable for her to wear.

So she slept in this same white dress.

Liwei walked up to her as she kept strolling with her head down.

He stopped when he reached behind her. Her back was facing her as he stood there.

But suddenly she turned around and bumped into his wide muscled chest.

She frowned as she lost her balance and almost fell.

He reflexively held her by placing a hand on her waist as he pulled her closer to prevent her from felling.

As she was pulled by him suddenly, her eyes grew in surprise.

Everything was too sudden for her. She was still in her daze when she looked at him in bewilderment.

Liwei was also surprised by their sudden closeness. When he looked at her face, which was slightly red and her eyes were wide with her mouth slightly open in surprise.

He looked at her rosy moist lips and cleared his throat. He realized how these lips tempted him.

He suddenly let her go making her stumble before founding her footing on the ground.

Xie Ming glared at him as she was annoyed the way he let her go. He could at least leave her politely, he doesn't need to shove her away like this.

Liwei turned his head away from her as he cleared his head away.

" What are you doing here?" he looked at her with his cold and blank expression.

" Can't you see? I am walking?" she said as a matter of face.

He pursed her lips as he spoke in an annoyed tone, " I mean why are you still roaming around? Do you wish to live in the hospital? Want me to book a room for you permanently at a hospital?" he said sarcastically.

Xie Ming rolled her eyes at him.

' What is the problem with this guy? Why is he bothering me all the time and then accusing me of clinging to him?' she wondered.

She clenched her palms into fists as she looked into his eyes, " Mr. Liwei, You don't need to worry about me. You haven't cared about me in the past, why are you showing interest in me now? I came out to get some fresh air only and was about to go inside." she said indifferently as she walked past him, leaving him behind in confusion at her changed attitude.

However, as she was leaving, she heard him say, " Why are you still wearing the same dress as yesterday? Don't you have other clothes? Or are you want people to think that Jin Liwei doesn't treat his wife right and make her wear the same clothes every day?" he snorted.

He was also surprised at his attitude, their relationship was not the type where he would care about her what she wears. However, her changed attitude keeps wanting him to find out more about her.

She scoffed in disbelief and turned around, " What's your problem? f I wear short clothes, then you have a problem. If I repeat clothes then you had a problem. Is there anything with which you don't have any problem?" she snapped in irritation.

She took a deep breath and said calmly, "What I wear has nothing to do with you. I suggest you, pretend like I am not here if you want us to stay peacefully in this house." she showed him a fake smile.

He was dumbfounded seeing her controlling her anger and smiling at him. Even though she was speaking sarcastically, but there was a changed glint in her eyes and polite sarcastic remarks were very different from her usual crude and rude remarks.

Before he could say anything she spoke, " And for your kind information, I don't want to wear this dress all the time either. But this was the only dress I can find in the wardrobe. That's why I wore this one."

" Now you got your answer?" she said in a domineering tone.

He glanced at her face which was shinning under the bright rays of the sun making her skin more glistening.

" What about your previous clothes? I remembered you have dozens of clothes in your wardrobe," he questioned her.

" I don't want to wear them anymore. Those were too revealing. I don't feel comfortable in it." she said with her eyes down. She doesn't know what to say if he asks her why?

Liwei looked at her and saw her hesitant eyes as he didn't ask further and told her, " Go to your room and get ready. We need to go out." he said as he walked out without waiting for her to say anything further.

Xie Ming looked at him in confusion and then followed him in.

Finished: Chapter 8 - Don't Need Your Permission.
Next: Chapter 9 - Shopping

ETERNAL LOVE: A LOVE STORY (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now