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"Yes, it's from when I was attacked by Voldemort," he said finally, his voice low and quiet.

Draco leaned closer, and Harry could feel his warm breath on his face. "I don't know much about the Dark Lord, but I've heard that he's very powerful," Draco said. "How did you survive?"

Harry hesitated, unsure if he should reveal his secrets to Draco. But this was a side of Draco that he had never seen before, and he found himself wanting to share his story.

"It was thanks to my mother's love," Harry said quietly. "She loved me so much that when Voldemort attacked me, her love protected me and turned his curse back on him."

Draco's eyes widened in amazement at Harry's words. "That's amazing," he said, sounding truly impressed. "It must have been very powerful love."

"Yeah, it was," Harry replied, feeling a bit overwhelmed by Draco's reaction. "I never knew just how powerful until that night. And I never would have guessed that my mom's love would be the thing that saved me."

Draco just nodded, taking in Harry's story. "I'm so sorry that you had to go through that," he said softly. "But I'm glad that your mom's love was strong enough to protect you."

Harry smiled gratefully at Draco, feeling a newfound respect and admiration for him. "Thank you," he said, leaning back in his chair. "I never thought I'd be sharing that with anyone from Slytherin."

Draco shrugged. "I'm not like the rest of my house," he said. "I may not be a Gryffindor, but I still want to do what's right."

Harry smiled, feeling touched by Draco's words. "Me too," he said, raising his butterbeer in a toast. "To doing what's right, no matter what house we're in."

They clinked their glasses together, and for a moment, everything felt right in the world. A new bond had been formed between them, one that went beyond their houses and past animosity. They were both just two wizards, trying to make their way in the world.

But their moment of peace was short-lived, as the door to the tavern burst open, letting in a group of Hufflepuff students. They were loud and rowdy, and Draco and Harry exchanged a look of annoyance.

"Let's move," Draco chimed in, grabbing his bag and standing up. "I know a spot where we can study in peace."

Harry nodded, feeling grateful for Draco's suggestion. They quickly finished their butterbeers and followed Draco out of the tavern, eager to get back to their studies.

But as they walked, something unexpected happened. Draco slipped his hand into Harry's, and Harry's heart skipped a beat. For a moment, they stood there, their hands intertwined, the world around them fading into the distance.

Draco spoke first, his voice barely above a whisper. "Harry, I know we've had our differences in the past. But I want you to know that I care about you. More than you realize. And I just want to be there for you, as a friend."

Harry looked up at Draco, feeling the emotions welling up inside him. For so long, he had been alone in the world, feeling like an unwanted outcast. But with Draco by his side, he felt like he was finally home.

"Draco," he began, his voice thick with emotion. "I feel the same way. And I want to be there for you, too. I just..." He took a deep breath, unable to put his feelings into words.

But he didn't need to. Draco understood, and he simply smiled at Harry, his eyes blazing with affection. For a moment, they stood there, their hands intertwined, the rest of the world falling away.

And in that moment, they both knew that their friendship was something more. It was a love that would last a lifetime.

Draco and Harry sat in a small, cozy corner booth in a popular coffee shop in Hogsmeade. The place was buzzing with students, all of whom seemed to be buzzing with excitement as they discussed their studies, their lives, and everything in between.

Draco and Harry, on the other hand, were a bit more reserved. They were both busy with their studies, and it was hard for them to find time to just sit back and Relax. But today was different. Today, they had decided to take a break and enjoy each other's company.

They chatted casually, enjoying their lattes and the comfort of each other's presence. Draco had invited Harry to join him, and Harry had accepted without a second thought. It was always nice to connect with someone who understood your experiences, and Draco was one of the few people who truly understood what Harry had gone through.

As they talked, Draco couldn't help but notice Harry's eyes. They were so deep and expressive, so full of intelligence and understanding. He couldn't take his eyes off of them, and before he knew it, he had leaned in and started to kiss Harry softly on the lips.

At first, Harry was surprised, but then he let himself fall into the kiss. It felt right, and he knew that this was something he had always wanted. Draco pulled away and looked at Harry, his eyes sparkling with emotion.

"I've always wanted to do that," Draco admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Harry smiled, feeling grateful that Draco had finally made the first move. "Me too," he said, his voice heavy with emotion. "I've always felt a connection with you, and tonight just confirmed it."

Draco nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "I've always seen the potential between us," he said, his voice full of hope. "And now that we've taken this step, I feel like anything is possible."

Harry smiled, feeling grateful for Draco's words. He had never felt this close to someone before, and he knew that this was only the beginning. "I guess we just needed the right moment," Harry said, his voice full of emotion.

Draco nodded, feeling happy that he had finally found someone who understood him. Harry leaned in and rested his head on Draco's shoulder, taking in the comfort of his embrace. Together, they sat in silence, content in each other's presence.

As they finished their coffee, Harry couldn't help but feel grateful. He had found someone who understood him, someone who had gone through similar experiences. And even though there were still many challenges to overcome, he knew that he had someone by his side who was willing to fight for him.

"I'm glad we're here," Harry whispered, his voice full of emotion.

Draco nodded, smiling softly. "Me too," he replied, his voice full of warmth. "I'm glad we found each other. "

1764 words <3

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