Bakugo paused, he looks behind him. "Kanao..?"

"So it's really you! It's really you!" Kanao hugs him tightly.

"Oh man, she's pretty but that was the wrong move considering it's Bakugo" Kaminari says. "He wouldn't hurt a fragile girl like how he did with Uraraka!" Sero replies.

"I missed you too, Kanao.." To literally everybodies surprise, even Deku, Bakugo Hugs her back. "If you're here.. does that mean.."

"Their behind you" Kanao replies

"I love you Kanao, but as your older sister, I want you to explain" Kanae says

"I tried stopping her" Shinobu fixes her hair a little (gotta look pretty💅)

"You two look like a couple!" Kanae comments.

"Just because I let her hug me dosen't mean we're a couple" Bakugo says in a calm tone of voice.

"You know there's people around us, right?" Shinobu says "idiots"

"I am not an Idiot!" Bakugo yells

"Heh, anyways, this is Inosuke- I'm so happy I can finally meet someone from the past!" Kanao smiles again

"Oh dear! Inosuke, you look so different, so you wear shirts now?" Shinobu teases "Shut up! And this is a school of course I do!" Bakugo yells

"This is the Inosuke Kotaha-san told me about, you guys look nothing alike, but you acts just like how she describes" Kanae laughs

With Hawks

"Bakugo being calm, letting someone much less a girl hug him and hug her back, not blasting explosions every 50 seconds, Eraser I'm telling you there's something wrong with him" Hawks says.

"Problem child number 2 is never like that, Hawks" Aizawa continues to sip his coffee "We're lucky all might is late to training those kids, I'm not training those kids anymore. I'm tired"

"You always are, but i guess I'll go. I wanna see Takayami (Or Takiyaki Idk) is Doing" Hawks flies down to where they are.

With 1-A

'Oh shoot, I forgot to tell them about quirks, but they saw Mina, I'm sure they wouldn't kill Hawks. Damn that idiot, he's going to get himself killed since he acts like Dad(Douma)'

"Inosuke, it has caught my attention that everyone here seems to have a blood demon art. Can you tell me why?"  Shinobu asks

"I- Umm- The thing is that their not demons... their humans, the powers they have are called quirks. Surprise to you I have one too..." Bakugo says

"Wait.. How are you even alive!? I knew this place looked futuristic! Are you a demon!?" Shinobu takes out her sword "Inosuke..? You're a demon?" Kanao steps besides Shinobu

"I'm not the type of demon you knew! I'm like how Nezuko was!" Bakugo back away "you know I can't fight you guys"

"I'm disappointed Inosuke, you're mother- I don't know how she would feel knowing her son is one of the creatures that killed her, killed us!" Kanae also unsheaths her sword, Kanao looks panicked 'I can't decide.. I used to kill demon without hesitation! I used to have hate for all demons! Why is this one different..?' Kanao says to herself

"You have one more chance to tell us the truth Inosuke. If not, we will have no choice but to kill you"

"No this is going way too far!" Mina yells "Kirishima do something! Bakugo is your friend isn't he!? Uraraka you too!"

"Sero don't think about it! And you three let me explain! The demon that killed Shinobu and Kanae is my father, now don't kill me just yet... there are other good demons like me! Yushiro is still alive, he's living his best life with Tamayo like I am with my father. People here have quirks, not blood demon arts! Believe or not, it's up to you" Bakugo explains

"The monster is your father!?" Shinobu leaps towards Bakugo/Inosuke

"I can't believe this.. Wait Nee-san stop!" Kanao runs knows She can't stop Shinobu, she tries anyways, but Bakugo/Inosuke told her to stay away.

"Tomioka san would be so disappointed in you Inosuke!" Shinobu stabs Bakugou's/Inosuke's arm


"Damnit! I'm like Tamayo can't you understand that!? You gave me no choice, Kocho!" Inosuke uses his blood demon art/Explosions "I'm sorry if we end up killing each other then!" Kanae uses the 1st form of flower breathing to cut off one of Inosuke/Bakugou's legs, Bakugo jumps back, he takes something out of his pocket and drinks it. He regenerated his legs right after consuming it

"I'm sorry Kanao- Oh- Fuck!" Half of Bakugou's face turns purple "What poison is this..?"

"It's the first one I used on 'your father" Shinobu replies

"Oh fuck... even he had struggled a bit with this poison..." He begins to frantically look for something in his pocket, he pulls out a small tube with a liquid in it, he drink it but it only relieves him of the pain and removes a tiny bit of the poison

"Inosuke..! What do I do What do I do... Think Kanao! Think!" Kanao looks at Shinobu and Inosuke back and forth "I'm a demon slayer... but that's Inosuke.. I wish Tanjiro was here to help me.. Tomioka san would also be of help.." Kanao starts to softly cry "Why... Why me..."

"This is where you die, Inosuke. I am truly sorry, for this" Shinobu goes in for another attack, she stabs him with the gentle toxin Kanae made her make when they were younger

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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