chapter 1

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I stare at the road, concentrating Alexander's fingers, tapping against the car door loudly, annoying me . I sigh heavily. i keep my thoughts to myself, not wanting to upset him. The rains started to pick up alex, and i were visiting my family up the mountain. My dad and i got into a heated argument, and we left. That was only 10 minutes ago, we're not even halfway down the mountain. I glance at alex and see he's scouted all the way against the door tense. Tears brimming up in his eyes. I stay quiet, still pissed off and concentrating on not slamming into anyone.

There's an awkward silence in the car. Only his sniffling and me cussing from the stupid people driving . The rains gotten worse i cant see the road at all. Thunder booming and cars barely driving.

I grip the steering wheel and try and stay on the road. Water gets underneath the wheels, making us hydroplane. Alex cries, getting louder. "Alex baby, please be quiet.." i mutter stressed. He whines and smacks his legs

I gently shush him trying to quiet him down.  later we made it down the mountain the rain still not letting up. Alexs crys only gettig louder, slowly annoying me. I know it's wrong for me to feel like that towards him, but when im in a stressful situation and he's crying loudly, i can't think. Especially drive.

"Alexander, i can't drive when you're loud." I explain harshly on accident he whimpers and mummbles "i-im sorry daddy..." i sigh heavily. i need to pull off somewhere to calm him down. I look around for a place to pull off into. Soon, I'm making it to a grocery store i park far away from it. I Unbuckle and recline my seat back. i reach for him, but he smacks my hands away. We give each other a shocked look he panics and tries to grab for my hands. "D-Daddy, im sorry!" He quickly apologizs "ive told you about hitting me, Alexander. You know better." I strictly say. He whimpers i sigh. i can't stay mad at him. He's scared of the rain because of the car crash he got into a couple of years ago. I help him over the dashboard, and he staddles my lap.

I cup his cheek, forcing him to look me in the eyes. He looks away ashamed. I give him a quick smack to his bottom, and he yelps. "Look at me, alex."  He hesitantly looks at me."What you did was bad. You're not supposed to hit Daddy. You broke a rule when we get home you're standing in the corner while i make dinner. You hear me?" I order he frowns and nods, i grab his bottom firmly,"words Alexander." I order "y-yes daddy i understand...." he lays his head on my shoulder, sniffing, trembling in fear. I rub his back softly. I whisper soothing words to him,  we stay like that until the rain ends, which wasn't very long, only 30 minutes or so. Alex fell asleep from all the crying he's done, properly wore him out

I gently nudge him he whines, pulling at my shirt, "alex baby, get up for a second daddy, can't drive with you in my lap.." i explain he sits up and rubs his puffy eyes. I give him a quick kiss and help him over the dashboard. I lean over and buckle him up. I buckle myself in and turn the car on. I pull out of the grocery store and glance over towards him, and he is already asleep. I chuckle softly and drive to the house.

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