in which pete is a loser and mikey is oblivious to how gay both of them are

Start from the beginning

Pete began to absentmindedly play with Mikey's hair. "So, like, we don't even need to do much to pull this off; just maybe we should practice kissing or something, so we won't seem as awkward when we kiss around other people."

"We're really gonna do that?"

"Yeah, and we might as well practice now."

Mikey sighed and sat up, turning to face Pete. "I don't even know, like, what to do.."

"Have you ever kissed someone before?"

"Wh- of course I have! Just...never a guy."

"Okay, well, this is no different."

"I think it'd be a lot different, and I mean, it's kind of weird because you're my best friend."

"Then it's good that we're practicing now, so it doesn't seem as weird," Pete said as he draped his arm over Mikey's shoulder. "So I guess I do this.."

"And what am I supposed to do with my hands?"

"I guess just put them on my waist, here."

Pete took one of Mikey's hands and guided it to rest on Pete's hip, and Mikey followed his example, putting his other hand on his waist as well.

Mikey hesitantly leaned forward, still not entirely sure what he was doing. But he didn't have to think much, because Pete quickly leaned in and kissed him softly. Although it was little more than just their lips brushing, Mikey felt a tingling warmth spreading through him from the contact. He couldn't help but stare at Pete in shock.


Mikey blinked out of his daze. "What do you mean, what?"

"Why're you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"You look really...surprised, or confused, I don't know."

He shook his head. "No, no, it's nothing."

"You're sure?"


"Should we try that again, then?"

"Oh, yeah- I mean, I guess we should."

Pete grins at him. "Alright, great, we need to be as convincing as possible, so the more practice the better."


"So are you guys actually dating?" someone asked them as they walked to class. They'd been asked this plenty of times in the last few days since they'd begun this whole thing, but still Mikey found himself blushing madly at the question. Pete, on the other hand, just grinned widely; neither of them actually answered, though. This was how they'd been responding to any mention of their relationship so far.

And so far, not many people had seemed particularly surprised, nor did they seem to suspect anything about their relationship being fake; some even talked about how they allegedly 'knew about it all along.' Mikey hadn't been expecting that, honestly. He'd never thought that he and Pete seemed any different from any other pair of friends, but now he began to wonder if maybe he'd just been extremely oblivious this whole time. If even Gerard seemed unsurprised by their sudden increase in affection, maybe there was more between himself and Pete than he'd thought.

Apparently, there was never even a need to actually say anything about them 'dating,' either, because everyone seemed to think so already. And it wasn't like their reactions to people's inquiries did anything to contradict such assumptions, anyhow, so, in all, their plan was even easier to pull of than they'd expected.

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