"I didn't want to celebrate my birthday by going to dinner or a surprise party. I want to do this." Of course she does. Okay, this is fine, totally fine, it's an abandoned house, so there's nothing inside, nothing to fear, I'm totally fine. I take in a shaky breath.

"If you wanna go you can." Yeah, scram Tyler.I walk towards Wednesday and grab her hand, giving her a slight squeeze, she returns it.

Wednesday couldn't get the door open, so of course Tyler, "the man", decides to give it a shot and fails.

"Can I try?" I look towards Wednesday who nods. I pass her my flashlight and yank the door open, it really wasn't that hard.

"Werewolf thing." I shrug. Following Wednesday into the creepy house my hand finds her's again.

"This is the car that hit the mayor." No, no, no, NO!

"Okay that just took a dark turn we NEED to go." I tug Wednesday towards the door but she just moves forward instead. I whimper as I continue to follow her. We find a creepy shrine to that pilgrim dude.

"This is how we die." I hear Tyler mutter and I can't help but agree.

The amount of cobwebs in this place is ridiculous, I mean the house has only been abandoned for at most thirty years not a hundred. Suddenly there is a creaky noise and I look over my shoulder to see a secret shrine open up. This is the stuff of horror movies.

"Who's family doesn't have a creepy shrine in their library?" I try to lighten the atmosphere.

"Ours is in our living room." Wednesday says, and it's strangely comforting.

"They're still warm." The candles of an abandoned house are WARM! I clutch on to Wednesday's hand tighter.

"Alright Tyler you check the ground floor, Enid and I will check the top." At least I get to stay with Wednesday, I preen.

"Okay, you go left, I go right." Wednesday lets go of my hand, but I grab her shoulder.

"You seriously wanna split up in here? That's literally how every best friend dies in the horror movies." I panic.

"The faster we search, the faster we can leave." She raises an eyebrow and walks away.

"Why am I even here?" I whimper to myself.

"I know what my mom would say, Enid you're a doormat. You're too needy. Show some teeth, nobody likes a desperate little furball. Shut up mom, get out of my head!" I hate the way my brain is wired.

Fresh flowers!

"Wednesday you need to see this!" I yell.

"L.G looks like somebody moved back into their old room." I joke.

"Impossible, she died twenty-five years ago, drowned overseas." Wednesday mutters.

A crash, Tyler yells, there is growling, Wednesday and I are hiding, something claws at us nearly clawing us open. Wednesday sacrifices the snood to keep the monster out, and for once I worry for Tyler, but I have no time as Wednesday and I fall through the floor. We walk towards the window and the ceiling above us rattles under the monster's weight. I open the window and gesture for Wednesday to get out, but she's distracted, so I run back and carry her out the window, seconds before the monster reaches us.

"You okay?" Wednesday asks as we sit spiraled out on the floor.

"Yeah, you?" I look over.

"Yeah." she says back, we make eye contact, and I lean in for a kiss, we break away after hearing another growl.

"We have to go back for Tyler." Dammit, I don't want him to die, but I don't want to die. Sighing I chase after Wednesday.

Tyler's injured and Xaviar comes out of nowhere and offers his scarf for Tyler's bleeding wound. Maybe Wednesday was right and Xavier is the monster. We head to Tyler's car but he can't drive so I have to, let it be known this is my first time attempting to drive, and it's with Wednesday playing nurse and Xavier shouting directions as I dodge trees. We safely get to Tyler's house.

"Thanks doc." Tyler says to Wednesday, like this is at all the time. Her hand lingers on his chest for a touch too long, and I can't anymore.

"Not to make this ugly, but I'm about to have a full blown panic attack. We need to get to the school before Weems realizes that we're missing." My breathing is irregular as I plead to Wednesday. Tyler is literally fine, he has a few superficial scratches, big whoop.

The sheriff comes in, he's pissed, Wednesday tries to calm him down and they go back to the house to look at the bottled body parts. Xavier and I headed back to Nevermore. I began packing my bag. I'm staying with Yoko tonight.

"Where are you going?" Wednesday inquires.

"Yoko's room, she said I could crash there for the night." I don't bother looking at her as I continue packing.

"There's no need, I spoke with Weems, you and Xavier are fine." Like that's the point!

"Am I supposed to thank you?" I ask sarcastically.

"I already apologized, it's over." She really doesn't get it. Please Wednesday, just show me that you really care, that you're really here.

"Over? Tonight was just the icing on the birthday cake, you couldn't even be bothers to cut. You'll use anyone to get what you want, even if it puts them in danger. We could have died tonight because of your stupid obsession. You used me for my love! Do you even like me or was that just another ploy?" My voice is angry and bitter and though it's not loud it's the closest I've come to yelling. Show me that you'll stay on my worst days.

"But we didn't die. And now I'm one step closer to solving this case, that is what is important."She completely ignores the part about liking or messing with me.

"Look Wednesday, I can't be your midnight love, not when your silver is my gold, I can't be your second best, close but not your favorite." I can't keep going back for more, when there's nothing from before. At the dance I was sure, but since then I don't know, and I'll probably never know, and I'm tired.

"Why do you think you're silver?" Hope blooms within my chest.

"Weren't you going on a date with Tyler?" I look to the side.

"Didn't we kiss?" And suddenly I'm a fool. I text Yoko 'never mind'. And set my bag down. I grab Wednesday in my arms and we're kissing again. I walk us backwards to her bed, pushing back the covers, I get in and turn Wednesday around so I can spoon her.

"What are you doing?" Wednesday seems confused maybe flustered.

"The closer, the better it gets. So let' stay right here until forever disappears." I snuggle my face into her neck. She stiffens before relaxing, and I drift off to sleep.

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