"I was reaching the black maw of death to contact a relative." Wednesday says as she comes to stand by me.

"Feels very on brand for you. You have a relative named Goody? I lean my head on her's as we look at the seance circle.

"She was one of the original outcasts. I've been attempting to contact her, but she seems to be ignoring my entreaties." Wednesdays arms are crossed, so I place my arm around her waist to comfort her.

"Oh, have you thought about using one of my scented candles? The aroma of steak tartar is to die for!" Ajax slips the paper under the door. Okay now I just need to play it cool, like I don't know what's going on.

"Maybe Goody answered you after all." I try to keep my voice leveled as Wednesday goes to pick up the paper.

"I doubt she communicate in magazine cut outs." I should have bought the calligraphy.

I insist on coming with Wednesday as we head to the party crypt.

"You insisted on coming along Enid. You didn't have to, you can head back if you're scared." Wednesday says as she approaches the crypt.

"Seems like the wanna be deep throat is already here." Dang it they forgot to close the door.

"Ew, what died." Maybe a crypt wasn't the best location.

"Smells like childhood. Come on." Wednesday says as she pushes open the door.

"On second thought. Why don't I stay out here? You know, as a look out." I pretend to be afraid, but really I need to grab the cake that Ajax hid in the bush.

I hear the happy birthday song and take that as my cue to head in.

"I thought my cake design was inspired." Xavier, the little bitch said. He didn't need to do anything to the cake but apparently the skeletons were cheesy and he made a grim reaper.

"The pink balloon was my idea." And the whole party.

"Why don't you make a wish?" I smile as I hold the cake towards Wednesday, who completely ignores it. I sigh.

"It's Latin. Fire will rain as I rise. That's what was written in the grass." Wednesday seems to be intentionally ignoring the birthday party, did I do something wrong?

"Kay, that's not really a wish." She didn't want to celebrate, did she, I'm always messing up. I really am a screw up. Practicing self love is something I don't really know.

"We're never getting that cake are we?" Ajax mutters.

Wednesday begins to mutter to herself and then she suddenly is bending backwards and it looks like her back is going to snap and her head hit the ground, so I shove the cake into Ajax and run to catch her. Everyone then leaves, Ajax takes the cake with him, Xavier offers to carry Wednesday but I insist that I've got it, and Yoko offers me a shoulder squeeze and a sad smile.

I take Wednesday back to our dorms and lay her on her bed. Waiting for her to wake up I continue working on my snood, I had already finished Wednesday's as I waited for the cake, which she never got to taste.

"Ajax, save two slices of cake please." I sent a quick text

"K" this boy smh.

"Omw" Guess I'll get them now.


When I get back to the room Wednesday is drawing. I set a slice of cake down next to her, which she ignores.

"Can I at least get some kudos for pulling one over on you?" I'm honestly a bit frustrated.

"The subterfuge was impressive." She puts down her pencil. I smile.

Thing gets out her parent's gift and I grab my gift for her.

"While we're still accepting presents." I hand it over, smiling nervously.

"Well, do you like it?" I bounce on my toes. I really hope she likes it.

"What is it exactly?" My heart drops a bit but I keep my smile up.

"It's a snood silly. I made it in your signature color, and you know what the best part is? I have one TOO! We can wear them to class!" I show her how to put it on.

"Oh, Enid this is far too unique to wear to class, I suggest we wait for a more special occasion." Like a date! My hear race increases and my smile could split my face.

"Like a funeral." Sadness!

Wednesday heads out to town to see Eugene, she takes the snood! I did damage control as a few people were mad with how the party turned out. Yoko dragged me away to go to the Wethervane, apparently my payback for finding a place for the party was buying her a coffee.

As we walk up to the door I see Wednesday sitting with Tyler. My knuckles are white. Yoko and I walk in quietly trying to hear their conversation.

"Oh, is that ugh...Enid's gift." Tyler asks Wednesday pointing at the snood.

"It's perfect if your fleeing a war-torn country on foot." My eyes well up with tears.

"Come on. Don't you like a day that's all about you." Tyler laughs. He laughs at me and Wednesday does nothing!

"Every day is all about me. This one just comes with cake and a bad song" Wednesday really did hate the party didn't she. And she also hates the gift, that's why she didn't want to wear it to class, not because it was too special, it was just too ugly. Tears slip down my cheek and Yoko grabs my hand.

"So if I asked you out to a non-birthday, song free dinner. Would that be something you're interested in?" Tyler's asking her out! NO!!! The perfect one for Wednesday is me!

"I have a tight deadline." She didn't say no. She didn't say fucking NO! She wants to go out with him, why would I ever think the kiss meant anything? I hand Yoko some cash for her coffee and run out.

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