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This book is dedicated to those who think they're falling behind because they've never been in love; to those who don't believe in love or believe in love too much; to the Taylor Swift enjoyers who appreciate her storytelling in songs; to my fello...

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This book is dedicated to those who think they're falling behind because they've never been in love; to those who don't believe in love or believe in love too much; to the Taylor Swift enjoyers who appreciate her storytelling in songs; to my fellow creatives who struggle with staying inspired and in love with what they do; and most importantly, to the ones I inspire with my own writing.

This book is dedicated to those who think they're falling behind because they've never been in love; to those who don't believe in love or believe in love too much; to the Taylor Swift enjoyers who appreciate her storytelling in songs; to my fello...

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This book is also dedicated to my timeless muse, NCT Dream.

It always feels like we just met.

Muse / ChenleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant