Steven Conklin - Little Sister

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Belly came in and noticed Laurel and Susannah's hurt faces "Everything okay?"  

Katherine nodded and yawned "Yeah, no, I-I'm just... I'm kind of tired, so I think I might skip the movie and go to bed."

"Okay, hon, yeah, sure." Susannah nodded understandingly "We can, uh... we can do the brownies another night."

"No it's fine you and Belly have fun, you shouldn't have to miss out because I'm tired."

It was only when Katherine heard the music of the movie starting that she began to get changed, Her plan was to sneak out and have fun at the party then hopefully convince the boys to help her not get caught. 

When she finally got to the beach a tall guy walked over to her, a drink in hand "Hey. Where you coming from?" 

"Uh, nowhere really." Katherine told him awkwardly. 

The guy chuckled "Sweet. Yeah. Hey. Here, take my beer." he said offering her the red cup. 

Kathy politely refused trying to find a way to escape from this guy "No, no, no, thanks. I'm okay."

The guy rolled his eyes and dragged his gaze up and down her body smirking to himself. The thoughts circling his head made Katherine feel sick "So, uh... you got a boyfriend back home?" he asked her.  

"Um..." she spotted a familiar tall black haired boy walking past "Steven!" she called out hoping for someone to rescue her. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked walking over confused at her appearance "And I-I'm sorry, wh-what are you wearing?" 

"Who the Fuck are you?" The guy trying to flirt with her asked. 

"I'm her friend, you're lucky I don't get her brothers." Steven snapped gesturing to Katherine adding "She's 15, you pedo." Katherine scoffed adding "I'm-I'm almost 16." 

The guy held his arms up in peace "My bad." and he walked away to go chat up another girl. 

"Jesus Christ." Steven groaned "Kathy, come on." he grabbed her hand "What are you doing?" 

"Will you let go of me, please?" Katherine asked him his tight hold of her wrist was starting to hurt "What are you doing?" 

"No..." he tried pulling her towards her brothers. Katherine knew Conrad would be annoyed at her for coming but she thought Jere would at least be happy to see her. 

It was like Steven was taking her to get scolded "You're embarrassing me." she whispered sharply to him. 

"I'm embarrassing?" he asked with a scoff before gesturing to her short dress "You're embarrassing."

Katherine was still trying to take her arm out of his grasp when she asked "Why am I embarrassing?!"

"Quit embarrassing yourself." Steven told her still pulling on her arm. 

"Are you kidding me? Stop it! Steven!" she pulled against him so hard tat he let go and she tumbled into the sand awkwardly.  

Steven quickly knelt down to help her up then checked her arms for any injuries. "Are you okay?" Everyone started looking at Katherine like she was a child, that's exactly what Steven was treating her like and that was the breaking point for her. 

"Just Fuck off Steven I don't need you" she stormed away and went to sit down by the edge of the beach miles away from the party. Somewhere no one could see her cry. 

She sat down wishing she hadn't left the house. 

Wishing she wasn't Conrad and Jeremiah's little sister. 

Wishing that she never had this stupid, hopeless crush on Steven. 

Katherine felt someone sit next to her and rub her arm reassuringly. "Go away" she said without looking "I don't need you"

"So you've said" muttered the person sat down next to her. Her eyes widened. It was Steven. 

"Look Kathy are you okay ?" Steven asked. 

She sighed and shook her head "I've got a problem Steven"

"What problem?" he asked her softly. 

"There's this guy-" she began "A guy I've liked for a very long time but he doesn't see me the way I see him. He treats me like a child and I can't even hate him for it because I'm so deeply in love"

Steven nodded with a hurt look on his face "Well maybe this guy does have feelings for you but doesn't know how to say it without messing up your friendship, or screwing it up so your brothers hate him. 

Katherine looked at Steven and noticed the pain and sincerity in his eyes. "I never meant to hurt you Kathy" he said "I just didn't know how to tell you how I feel"

Katherine smiled softly and he smiled back then the two began to lean in, closer and closer until there lips touched and it felt like fireworks were being set off around them.

It was big, beautiful and fuelled with a fiery passion and when the two pulled apart they had realised that they were all the other had needed. 

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