Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen are taking a break from there recording now.
Lan Xichen actually finished his part and can go back but he decided to stay until Jiang Cheng's recording completed.

Jiang Cheng sipped from his cup of warm water and coughed lightly to clear his throat.
He couldn't get a few notes right, he was doing fine while practicing. Maybe he is nervous, he is even more nervous to ask help from Lan Xichen.
So he cleared his throat again in order to get the other man's attention.

Don't laugh at him it worked !

" So- why did you lie ? "

" It's a little complicated haha "

" I know Ge is better than me - " Jiang Cheng said looking down.
Maybe Lan Wangji is disappointed because he is not good enough for their song ?

" No Jiang Cheng it's not what you think ", Lan Xichen hurriedly reassured him
" Wangji is ... Just like that ", he is literally sweating from his head.

It's not really convincing. So after minutes of awkward silence Lan Xichen finally broke it.
He waved a hand in front of Jiang Cheng's face, who looked up.

" But you are actually really good ", he said, making the other man's eyes go wide.
" Both you and your brother are amazing.
When I heard you were coming I got really excited to meet the person who bit me in song writing !
To say the truth you totally exceeded my expectations today. Your voice is just as good as the lyrics you weite, they were really not lying about your angelic voice.

I am glad it's you who came Jiang Cheng ", Lan Xichen smiled brightly

Jiang Wanyin gets praised by his fans a lot but it's all volatile. He will be abandoned the moment he makes a mistake twice. He knows that, he never felt anything.
He gets praised by his siblings all the time, they always encourage him even when he mess things up. He feels happy.
And that's that.


It's the first time he felt so warm inside while hearing someone praise him so much. He is happy, excited and happy again. Even the occasional good things that his mother throws his way never felt this good.

He looked at Lan Xichen 's gentle smile and blushed.
He don't understand, he made so many mistakes today but Lan Xichen still said that he ' exceeded his expectations '
And Lan Xichen was excited to meet HIM !

He finally understands how Wei Ying was feeling when he met Lan Wangji.

The Twin Jades are too powerful !

" T-Th-Thanks uh - "
He stuttered, " I didn't really bit you - you are still on top "

Lan Xichen laughed, " And if you continue just like this, I am sure I will lose that place in no time "

" I- I will try my best to keep my place too ! "

" Hm I am you will "

The rest of recording went smoothly.


".... But that doesn't mean he is hiding something "

Wei Ying rolled over on his back, phone pressed to his ear.
He has been lazying around like this since morning.

" You know what Huaisang, you should just ask him directly "

' Are you crazy ! Da-ge will kill me '

" No, he will not "

' He WILL ! '

" No - let's stop this. Stop with all your strange wild guesses about your brother, it's not like he have to tell you everything.
Jiang Cheng never tells me ANYTHING "

' Don't lie you two talk about everything '

" We don't "

' You do '

" We. Don't "

' Hmph like I believe you. Oh someone's here I will talk to you later ah ? '

" Yeah yeah go away "

Wei Ying rolled around in his bed for sometime then sat up
" Hng !! So bored I should have gone with Jiang Cheng ! "

Right at that moment he heard the sound of a message.
It's Lan Wangji !

He opened it at the speed of wind.

| Wei Ying, are you doing alright ? |


A little XiCheng! I love XiCheng !

Jiang Cheng refers to Wei Ying as 'Ge' when talking to others. He says it in front of Wei Ying - it will go to his head ofcourse

Lan Wangji says 'brother' in a more formal way.
( In Chinese )

I did this because just brother is too confusing 😃

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