
As evening came, you found yourself on the roof of the Tower. You stared out at the skyline of New York City. Your left hand was gently massaging your right wrist as the place where your webs exited from tingled. You had barely used your abilities in the weeks since your secret had come out to the Team. You didn't know you would miss swinging so much. It hadn't been a part of your life for long and yet you seemed to long for it.

FRIDAY had informed Tony that you were up on the roof when he went to see if you wanted dinner. When the elevator opened and revealed you staring at the skyline, Tony knew what you were missing. He had been worried about when you would start longing for swinging around again and prepared for it.

You had sensed Tony's entrance and glanced back at him as he came toward you. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back into his chest. He pressed a kiss behind your ear before sighing and looking out at the view. The two of you stood in silence for a couple of moments before Tony spoke up.

"You miss it," he stated softly.

"Hmm?" You hummed, still focused on the skyline.

"Swinging around the city, helping people. You miss it."

You sighed, leaning back into Tony. "I didn't think I would, at least not this much..."

"I get it."

You turned around in Tony's arms so that you were facing him. "You do?"

He nodded. "I do. There was a short time that I gave up the suits for—" Tony stopped himself. The two of you hadn't really talked about Pepper yet. He was too scared to ruin what you had.

You looked at him with a caring smile. "It's okay. You can talk about her. She was a big part of your life."

A wave a relief washed over Tony. "Pepper didn't like how often I was in the lab and how many suits I was making. I stopped for a while, but it wasn't what was good for me. I'm not going to ask you to give up a part of yourself. That's not who I am." Tony unwrapped his arms from you and slipped one of his hands into yours. "Come," he began pulling you toward the elevator. "We need to pack bags and head out."

"Where are we going?"



Tony didn't tell you anything but that he was taking you upstate and that you needed to back a bag to be gone for one to two days. After you had packed up, you met Tony in the garage and you two headed on your way.

The whole ride, the two of you sat in content silence. Tony's hand rested on your thigh with your hand on top of his, your fingers pushed through his. You had a hunch as to where Tony was taking you: the Compound. Tony had once told you that the Avengers plan to eventually move to the Compound officially, but have been waiting for the right time. You believed that 'right time' meant when Director Fury gave the orders.

The Compound's grounds where massive. At the edge of the grounds was a large, electric fence. There was one gate in and out, though the back side of the Compound was along the river, Tony told you that there was sensors in the water and along the shoreline to keep unwanted guests out. Tony followed the road heading to the building until he suddenly took a right turn, heading into the nearby group of trees.

"Seriously, Tony, where are you taking me?" You asked again.

He smirked to himself. "Just a few more seconds," he mumbled. "There."

The car came to a stop at the edge of a clearing. In the clearing, poles of various heights and widths were placed. Some even had smaller poles welded onto them horizontally.

"What is this?" You wondered.

"You're new playground," Tony answered. He got out of the car and rushed around it to open your door. "Milady," he offered his hand to you. You smiled as you took it and allowed him to help you out of the car.

"This is all..." you looked around at various structures. "Did you build this all for me?"

"I knew it wouldn't be too long before you were craving to swing again, so I had this built." You looked at Tony, in awe that someone would have something built just for you. "What's wrong?" Tony suddenly took your silence and your staring as that he had overstepped. "Do you not like it? Cause I can have it all taken down by the end of the day. Just say the word and I'll—"

You laughed as you pressed your hand to Tony's mouth to stop him from rambling. "I love it. Thank you." You removed your hand and gave him a short kiss. "Thank you for caring about me. It means so much."

"I'd do anything for you, sweetheart, give you anything— everything."

"I don't need everything, Tony. I just need you."

Tony thought his heart was going to explode. It was the closest thing to saying 'I love you' that either of you had gotten. And, your words proved that Bruce was right.

"I just need you too," Tony said, before kissing you.

You were the one to break the kiss, getting excited to try out the new structure. "I'm sorry," you told Tony, trying to suppress your smile. "But I—"

"Go," Tony encouraged, "go play with your new toy."

"Thank you!" You kissed him briefly one last time before running over.

Flinging your arm out, a web shot from your wrist and clung to one of the post rungs. You laughed as you used it to launch yourself into the air. You swung around, laughing and cheering. Tony watched, unable to contain the grin as he leaned against his car. Some time had past when his phone beeped. Tony pulled it out of his pocket. At the sight of the name on the screen, his grin fell. It was Pepper, wondering when they were going to meet up to talk. Tony sighed, looking back up at you. He wasn't going to answer Pepper until he talked to you about it. He wasn't going to do anything that you weren't comfortable with.

Suddenly, you landed in front of Tony. He stuffed his phone back in his pocket before looking up at you. You had the largest smile he had ever seen on you. You were slightly out of breath, but simply glowing.

"Tony," your tone was already hinting at a request coming on.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Will you get in your suit and fly me around?"

Tony smiled, leaning into you and kissing you briefly. "Of course." He tapped a few times on his watch screen and in no time, a suit was flying over from the Compound. It opened up and Tony quickly stepped in. You hurried over and flung yourself on his back. "You ready?" He glanced over his shoulder.


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