vivianne miedema(sleepy)

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“you gotta wake up babe” you whisper to the sleeping girl next to you, trying to remove yourself from her tight grasp gently .

It wasn’t that you didn’t want to stay there but you had training in 50 minutes, whereas viv had physio for her knee.

Viv groans, but when she realizes that you aren’t falling for it, she rolls over, rubs her eyes, and pulls you into her. “five more minutes” she says, pressing her lips onto your forehead. usually, you were a pretty stubborn person, but the sound of your girlfriends morning voice made you consider staying in bed, but the second alarm you had set made you jump up. 

As you pulled on clothes and got together your training gear, you heard Viv get up. “i’m going to make breakfast” you yelled as she walked into the closet to change. you heard her mumble back but couldn’t really make out what she said.

you padded your way down into the kitchen, grabbing ingredients out of the fridge to make yourself and viv some.You stood stirring the food in the pan as you felt two arms wrap around you. “hallo liefje” she muttered, still half asleep. “hi love, we have to leave soon” you said while passing her a cup of tea you had just made.

After the two of you had eaten your breakfast and gotten all your stuff together, headed out the door for training, thinking about how perfect the little life the two of you had built was.

And if on the way to training you two were blasting Taylor swift, no ones gonna know.


This was my first one shot, and I will be carrying on my alex popp book. im just writing down the plot and everything so I can get those parts out weekly so there's no wait.

Request are very wellcome as im gonna run out of ideas and appreciate new ones :)

See you next time

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