"Watch out!" Youngjo exclaimed, catching Hwanwoong's phone before it could hit the ground. "Do you need a hand?" He asked right after, slowly looking up at the other.

Hwanwoong didn't even have time to reply, his shopping bags were already in Youngjo's hands as well as his phone, leaving him with his helmet and his apartment's keys only. He was speechless. He had just met the guy and he had already managed to make a fool of himself.

"Well, I guess you can ask him yourself if you got any doubt now. Byeeeeee!" Dongju laughed by the phone right before hanging up, his best friend could hear it from afar.

"T-Thank you." He stuttered, tightening his grip around his helmet before it slipped from his sweaty hands as well. "Nice to meet you yes, thank you for coming..." He welcomed the other inside right after, leading him to the kitchen so that he could have dropped the bags somewhere.

"Where can I put these?" Youngjo asked as if he even wanted to help him arrange the groceries.

Hwanwoong wondered how come his best friend hadn't also mentioned his boyfriend's cousin was that handsome and polite but he would have talked about it with him very soon.

"Oh, it's okay! You can just leave them there, I'll arrange them later!" He distractedly replied as he realized how untidy his house was: clothes along with Minji's toys were everywhere to be seen, his son's crayons were scattered all over the carpet in front of the TV, not to mention the dirty dishes in the sink or the empty delivered pizza cartons that couldn't fit the trash can. "I'm... I'm sorry for the mess my house is right now." He looked down, trying to arrange at least some space on the kitchen table to offer the other a glass of water.

Youngjo smiled again and the host of the house couldn't help noticing how cute his eyes became when they curved up as he did: "No problem really! I do have a house too and Gunhak told me you needed a hand in anyway so, let me at least save these ice-creams from melting!" He insisted, holding up the two pints of caramel and chocolate flavoured ice cream.

Hwanwoong sighed in defeat, that guy was being too kind not to oblige: "Y-Yes, of course, the refrigerator is right there, behind you." He pointed at it and the other was quick to find it.

"Ah, Hwanwoong-ssi! Is this your son?" Youngjo suddenly asked, noticing the picture of Hwanwoong and Minji hanging on the fridge. "He looks so cute! I can't wait to meet him!"

Hwanwoong was arranging the cans, showing his back at the other and he couldn't help feeling that very familiar weight on his stomach at the idea Youngjo was talking as if he were his new baby sitter already. He took a deep breath before he found the courage to speak up: "He is, his name is Minji and it has been just the two of us since he was born. That's the reason why you will have to excuse me if I'm not being as enthusiast as you were expecting me to be at the idea I'll leave my five year old son with a stranger all day long from now on. It'll take some time."

"I wasn't expecting anything different from this, Hwanwoong-ssi, I love kids since I worked in a kinder garden when I was in high school as a part-time job so, when Gunhak and Dongju told me that a friend of theirs needed a hand with a kid I was more than happy to help." His eyes were sweet when Hwanwoong met them again. "Dongju told me today was your free day and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for you and your son to get to know me. I can imagine how hard it must be for you to put your trust in anyone else right now but, I'm here and you can ask me about everything you want if that will make you feel more comfortable. Gunhak knows about my years of voluntary service at the local church and he told me you were searching for someone trustable, that's why they thought about me, but of course you'll judge!"

Hwanwoong was already torturing his fingers without realizing. He was glad the other was at least very open and available to questions, it was indeed relieving for someone like the blond: "Please, have a sit then, Youngjo-ssi, and tell me if you'd like a coffee or anything."

I'll Take Care of You (Two) | Rawoong +18Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat