My parent's attention moved on from me. Thankfully, mom started praising my brother's for how well they've wolfed out and how well they've done integrating themselves with the rest of the werewolves at Nevermore. I was casually dismissed, ignored like I was hoping, but it didn't feel as good as I thought it would. I was once again excluded from the pack. I could feel tears trying to escape my eyes but I blinked quickly and kept my smile up just in case anyone was paying attention.

I wanted to slip away so when I saw Wednesday on her own I took my chances and headed over.

"I hate parent weekend!" I exclaim once I'm right next to Wednesday.

"I rather find the whole thing repulsive." I smile down at her and reach out for her hand. She looks down at our intertwined fingers but says nothing, and doesn't attempt to detach them.

"Are you still willing to accompany me to see Eugene?" She asks while looking away from me.

"Yeah, totally, did you want to go now?" I beam at her, she nods and starts to lead the way, our hands still together!

When we get to the hospital Wednesday goes behind the nurses station, looks up Eugnene's room and leads me there ignoring the exclamations of a few angry nurses.

"I harvested hive number three." Wednesday says as she sets a jar of honey down next to Eugene. I stand quietly at her side, squeezing her palm. She's really the sweetest even when she pretends not to be. I've noticed she rapidly blinks when she's being sentimental or expressing positive emotions. Woah, I need to stop thinking about Wednesday, I cannot fall in love with Wednesday. I cannot feel this way so soon.

"The bees miss you Eugene." She really means she misses him.

"We all do." Aw, she said "we", she's owning up to missing him. Eugene would be so happy.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on him." Wednesday says to Thing who i've just noticed was there. I wave at him and he waves back before zoning back on Wednesday.

"Any updates?" Wednesday asks, but Things shakes indicating no.

"He didn't deserve this. I should be in that bed. " I squeeze again

"Why did you go without me?" She angrily whispers because she's sworn off crying.

Eugene's moms approach us, one of them gently touching Wednesday's back startling her. It's the first time I've noticed anyone being able to sneak up on her, she must be really worried. Wednesday and I soon left after they had showed up, though she was a bit hesitant, but I know she feels too exposed. This time she squeezes my hand.

We exited the hospital and walked around the town to kill some time when we spotted Wednesday's mom, Morticia, heading towards the cemetery with a rose. Wednesday walks after her looking curious and drags me along. We don't approach until after Morticia leaves. The grave says 'Garrett Gates'.

"We have to go back to school." I say gently. Wednesday nods.

"I have much more research to do anyways." When we get back to the school we have to separate. I give Wednesday's hand one last squeeze before heading over to my family, who hadn't even realized that I had been gone for an hour.

I sit down with my family, ribs stacked on my plate even though I wished I could eat the pasta instead. I glance around the room, spotting Wednesday I wave and she waves back. A smile plants itself on my face.

"Well, are you going to make me ask?" Mom asks. I probably look like a deer caught in the headlights, had she seen me and Wednesday? That was a bad idea 'cause I can't think straight. Would she be okay with Wednesday and I dating? What should I say?

"Wednesday and I haven't defined our relationship yet." It's fine, I'm fine, please don't hate me.

"Not that. Have you wolfed out yet?" She inquires leaning forward, her voice practically a whisper as if she'd be embarrassed if anyone heard our conversation. Who am I kidding? She's already embarrassed of me.

"Not yet." I offer a tight smile.

"How disappointing." My face goes blank, I feel blank, like I can't even muster being sad, disappointed, or angry. I just want to disappear. I can't fix the hurt, so I'll just stop hurting.

"That's me a huge disappointment." I state, no one acknowledges me though, no one says I'm not a disappointment, they just eat their ribs happily. Yeah, I try to brush it off.

Suddenly the cops show up and escort Wednesday's father away. I get up to go to Wednesday, but she catched my eye and shakes her head 'no', so I sit back down.

Everything continues as normal, Weems wouldn't let an arrest put a damper on parent weekend, so we follow the rest of the crowd to making s'mores and playing frisbee, of course I wasn't allowed to play because i hadn't wolfed out yet. So I sat under the scrutiny of my parents' gaze.

"I got this for you." Hope filled me as my mom handed me an envelope.

"That's sweet! You didn't have to get me anything." A smile blooms on my face as I open the card.

"I know, but I felt like we got off on the wrong foot this weekend. I just want you to know that all I want is the very best for you." She actually sounds genuine.

"What are these?" The smile is wiped off my face and tears well in my eyes.

"Brochures. For summer camp" I'm not an idiot!

"These aren't ordinary summer camps. These are camps for lycanthropy conversion." My voice was weak, full of hurt and betrayal. It sounds like she's willing to sign me up for summer depression.

"Oh no need to be dramatic Enid. They worked wonders for your cousin Lucile." She SMILES, like she hadn't betrayed me.

"Don't you want to wolf out and finally be normal?" I close my eyes and count backwards from ten as I release my breath. I toss the brochures in the fire and walk away. It was such a bad idea to have parents day, this was such a bad idea, I need to be alone.

I could only hide for so long though. Sitting miserably in my room with the music too loud. I stare in the mirror looking at all the imperfections my mom pointed out. I can't stop staring at my face, my summer tan has begun to fade, maybe that's why I look anemic. I'll need to spend more time in the sun, it's too bad the only people I hang out with don't like sunlight. There is hair on my lip, ugh, I'll have to buy a face razor when I go out to town with Yoko again.

I waited till it turned dark to venture out again, I had to at least say goodbye.

"So it's decided, six weeks at Camp Howel." Mother said as I approached them.

"No, I won't be going, not this summer, not next, not EVER. If I'm going to wolf out I will do so on my own timeline, not your's. I just hope that one day you'll finally accept me for who I am." I smile, I can't believe I actually said that, Wednesday must be rubbing off on me.

Mom walks off without saying anything more, but dad gives me a hug.

"I'm proud of you kiddo. You do you." Dad kisses my head before walking after mom. I skip off back to my room feeling accomplished.

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