Unspoken Reverence

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Within this vast and shifting tapestry,
A truth emerges, clear for all to see,
"I am nothing to you," my voice might sound,
Yet in my universe, you're love unbound.

Beneath the surface of each passing day,
In silent echoes, feelings find their way,
You are the sun that paints my life's design,
While I'm a humble star in your grand line.

Your laughter weaves a melody so fine,
A gentle tune that wraps around my spine,
"I am nothing to you," I softly claim,
But you're the very essence of my flame.

As time glides on with its unyielding hand,
You're the heartbeat that helps me understand,
Though I may seem a whisper in the breeze,
You're the roots that ground me, keep me at ease.

So in this story penned by fates above,
In chapters of affection, grace, and love,
Remember, even if words might not agree,
You're everything to me, eternally.

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