Fan Article (Reviews from the Actors and the fans)

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"We are dying to see Summer Forever, the new movie coming from Megan

Nicole!! We had our heartstrings tugged just from her telling the premise of the video - three friends on their final few weeks before

college? Um, who wouldn't want to make the most of that summer?"


" I'm really excited for this movie, and I'm also proud of Megan Nicole. <3"


"I really your big fan of Kazakhstan. I hope that this summer will not be forgettable you and for me. I love you very much"


"To me..Megan is my childhood! I live to see a new video of her on YouTube and she has always been my favorite singer....ever since her Live While we're young cover I've fell in love with  everything about her...she just gives me vibes no one else can give  every video just has so much passion in it you just can't stop loving everything about her"


"|@SUMR4EVR !<3 chips&voice vol to 100% and watch the movie then jam at movie songs even tho i dont know the lyrics @megannicole"

"This movie is probably the best movie, by the name itself SUMR4EVR and the movie sounds great, we will support you guys all the way ever since from the start! we love you all and also megan and alyson much! The best movie award goes to you all!! Much Love"

"Megan is so beautiful and adorable having a sweet voice, I love her so much and I'm her biggest fan & when i got to know she is making a movie named as SUMR4EVR and I got happy for her  i hope this movie be good and interesting to us fans because we support her all time for her hardwork she is amazing girl."


"Can't wait for this movie, I feel it would be something great and the  actors are wonderful so i know  that this movie will be  a long time in my memory"


"Hello from Philippines, wishing Megan a Best of luck in her movie &,  excited to see it! keep it up a good work, you can do it girl, xoxo."


"I am so excited to finally get to see Summer Forever, all these looks behind the scenes have made me so excited. I am so proud of Megan and Everyone else who worked on this movie for making this all reality. I feel like this movie is even more special for me because it comes out In the summer after I actually graduate high school. I also feel like this movie symbolises a new beginning in my life, since Im going to University next year and I leave high school behind me. I also feel like this will be the first summer I'll be genuinely happy and I don't Know how to explain but I just know that this summer will be the best  one yet and this movie just makes it all even better. So thank you

This movie will always have a very special meaning to me"


"Megan Is very inspiring, i think, she is almost like me, she is beautiful, and her singing is best thus, i can't wait to see how awesome & her acting is going to be in the SUMMER FOREVER movie can't wait to see her songs in there too i know the movie will rock good luck <3"


"Hola @megannicole ! This summer is going to be a little different than usual. I'm getting into college this year.A very pleasantly life changing experience. I get to make new acquaintances And #SUMR4EVR, I'm so excited for that! You're an ACTRESS now meg ! For the crew and casts of SUMR4EVR, thank  you for choosing Summer Forever song as the inspiration to make the movie and include megan in as well. You guys are awesome ! Congratulations Roman White on the movie and we all pray it'd be such a hit on the theatre."


"Honestly, I have not known Megan for a long time. But I saw a lot of my friends really liked her and I thought I could check her out,I probably thank my friends Rinn and Robyn mostly, they brought me to her! Because I discovered that her music is absolutely fantastic!!For example my favs are Alright or Electrified. I am plannning on focusing on her and my other idols' work more this summer, as I had lots of stuff to take care off. When I heard about Megan filming a movie called Summer Forever, I guess it could be a really fun film to watch!I love these teen friendly movies where friends get together and do some fun stuff :) So yeah, once it comes out I will most likely see it


"First! I love you so much Megan! I'm excited for your movie and GoodLuck! May gob bless you and your movie with success in future"


"Megan I love you, I believe in you, you will be perfect ! I can't wait ! Kisses of great French fan."


"I'm soo excited for SUMR4EVR and I think it will make my summer. This is another step of Megan's carrier and I can't wait to see her slaying the world.  She's amazing and deserves all of this!! I really hope one day I get the chance to meet her and talk to her

So proud"


"hi I love megan nicole and she making a movie is so good news. i m excited to see megan in the movie and i will love to see the movie if it available in thailand. i love you megan and have a good day with good movie!"


"Since my country not a seasonal country I would really like to spend time to

seasonal country like the others but I think my day will be great cause of the Summer Forever Movie                                      

Cannot wait till it comes out..really wanna watch and hear the music inside it"


"I'm really looking forward to this movie and I'm really excited! Megan you are an incredible person and we all love you and know you've Worked hard. Really excited to see you and the rest of the cast in this movie. Thank you for everything! xo"

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